Hello everyone and God bess. I have been thinking about this and I believe God put it in my heart to share this with others. I am a Byzantine Catholic and I worship the Lord in my church. It is the church I grew up in and it is the church where I feel closest to the Lord. In the past few years I have taken more of a role in my church. I often get to read the Epistle (commonly known as the Letters of the New Testament), which is read before the Priest reads from the Gospel. I enjoy reading for my church because I believe it is one of the gifts that God has given me. Now, let me be clear, I do not believe everything that the Catholic church teaches and that is why I prefer non denominational studying of the Bible. I will not get into everything I disagree about, but let me tell you something I do enjoy. I enjoy recieving communion. My church claims it is truely the Body and Blood of Christ, while others say it is only symbollic. I like to look at it as a weekly spiritual revival. It reminds me of the sacrifice our Lord made for everyone. Once I recieve communion and return to the pew, I thank Jesus and feel great. Then I prepare to do my best to serve Him for another week. That being said though, I would not recommend Catholicism to a new believer. I think new believers should go to more of a Bible based church. The Catholic mass would confuse and bore new believers in my opinion. All that being said, I pray that no one would look down on a Catholic because of their church's beliefes. We are all Christians, brothers and sisters in Christ, and it would be wrong to judge someone because of where they worship. You can never know what someone truely believes in their own heart. Please feel free to reply. I look forward to reading opinions on this matter. Your friend and brother in Christ, Jake.
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