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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Bag of excuses


Some of us walk around with a bag full of excuses when it comes to spending time with God. We make excuses for just about everything and anything which we tend to blame on distractions.

Kids to get to school, shopping to do, clean up the house, wash the car, fill it up with petrol, got to go and play golf, there’s a program on TV I want to see? My partner is not a believer, (love that one) Haven’t got enough time, Etc. Etc. Etc.  Don’t let your mind get in the way! Don’t let Satan change your thoughts! Don’t make excuses! Make Time.                                                    


(Let’s look at time)

TIME: We all have the same 24 hours in a day, it’s just that some of us make the best use of it while others waste it procrastinating about what to do and when to do it. Am just as bad, although I have now learned to plan my work, and work my plan. Like many, I made too many excuses about what might happen if I didn’t do this or that, so in the end, nothing got done. We have all been there. We have to make time even if it means getting up earlier in the morning to fit it all in.                REMEMBER: Don’t fit God around your schedule; fit your schedule around God.


We have to say to ourselves, Am I a believer or not? If we are, then why make excuses when it comes to making time for God. I believe that it is Satan who is trying to alter our minds and stop us from making that precious time with God. Yes, I know that certain jobs/tasks need to be done but it can be carried out in an orderly fashion. Discipline and self control are what is required and really makes a difference to your lifestyle if you follow it through. I find that as soon as I am up and out of bed in the morning, I spend some time with God by praying and reading his word. Through the day I thank him for both Diane’s and my life, our health and wellbeing, watch some Joyce Meyer teachings, read some GOOD meaningful books, give thanks to him for our food, friends, and before we go to bed, read some devotional material and then pray before we go to sleep. We have kept this running now for several months and find it is very easy to keep and our lifestyle has changed for the better. We have also learned to pass things onto God to deal with as we had tried to do things our self. I had spent a lot of valuable time trying to contact two pension companies about a transfer from one to the other with no joy. After six months of them “passing the buck” I passed it on to God and ask him to deal with it. I then left it with him and carried on doing other things. Within six days, I received a letter of apology from both companies concerned and it is now “sorted” The power of prayer is awesome.

We have done this several times and it is amazing the results that we have achieved. It just shows that talking and praying to God and telling him of your situations and then passing it on to him, he will sort it out sooner or later. (Remember that Time Takes Time) Some things will take longer, but it’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it and ask God for his help and favour. Invite God into every area of your life, not just on a Sunday morning, but everyday day from the moment you awake, to when you go to bed last thing at night.


(Let’s look at Discipline & Self Control)

Discipline and self control requires the Right Mental Attitude. Being positive is the answer and will help you with your everyday life. Now I know that for some people that can be very difficult for a variety of reasons, but if you start thinking in a positive manner, and not think negative thoughts, then you will start to enjoy your life, and the people around you more. And what’s more, the people around you will also notice a difference in you. If you continue to think negative thoughts, then whatever it is that you are worrying about will increase until you become a worry to both yourselves and to those around you. Discipline your mind to think and do what is right. Use your self control when out shopping, watching TV, and scripture reading every day and make your prayers prayful. Thank God for your life and for the good things that has happened in it. Ask God to forgive your sins, and then pray for your partner, friends, someone whom you know needs God’s protective arm around them, etc. and when you have finished, ask this in Jesus name.

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