All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The time is far past....the day is upon us, the need is very great, you are needed on the field, the players
are many, the pain is unbearable, so the valley of despair. You have the power, I have given it
to you, personally. You have my authority.... you belong to me, these I speak of, do not yet know me, they
are wounded, very very wounded. They cry out to me, night and day, for deliverance. I need you to help me.
You are my hands and my feet, you are my mouth, my eyes, and my ears.... I have called you for such a time
as this. You are prepared, you are called, you are chosen, you are mine......and they are mine. Participate with
me, as I bring them into my courts, as I pour out the oil and the wine upon them, as I heal their broken hearts,
and dry up their tears, that seem to have no end. My heart breaks for them, and I want yours to as well, together,
we will bring them in. There is room in my house, their is love in my house..... all the nurture that they need is there.
I need you, to work with me, seek me, so that you will know what I would have you to do. Do not turn a deaf ear to
my call. This call is urgent, the souls are inumerable, the pain is like a steel wall that surrounds them, they are
defenseless, they are alone, they are hurting, go to them, give them my love, wrap your arms around them, tell
them how very precious they are to me. I came for them, I laid down my life for them, It is my desire to redeem
them, from the place where they are. I need you to help me, in this work. The harvest is truly great, the workers
are few. Seek me.... spend time in my presence, I will instruct you as to how to proceed. I know who I want to
touch, I know exactly what it is going to take to bring them in. I cannot do this alone, I have trained you, I have
equipped you, I have called you, filled you with my spirit, and my love, I have sustained you, when you felt that
you could not go one step further..... I will be by your side...all the way. These souls are precious indeed to me.
I want them healed, and delivered from the hell that they are currently in. I need you to partner with me, to do
this. Do not delay.... daily they are perishing..... the need is great....the day is well spent..... darkness is all around,
on every corner. Do not procrastinate a moment longer, every second is precious, and needs to be spent in
trying to reach someone for me. Do not flail around in the darkness without direction, seek me, so that none of
your efforts will be wasted. I know how to lead you thru the places where you need to go, to deliver my message
of love, and mercy and grace. Shake off the weights that hold you down, they are not important, what is important
are the souls that I died for. They are most important to me. I love them, with a love that is everlasting, and I do
not want to see them hurting any longer. They must be brought out.... bring them to me.... I am the Great Shepherd,
I alone, am what they are in need of. But, I need you to speak these words.... to them. In my timeing, and in my
annointing. This will make all the difference. Today my the day of salvation. Seek me, with all
your heart..... and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. Jeremiah 33:3

GS. 11-15-10

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Comment by Sharon Mbatha on November 16, 2010 at 12:51am
Thanks so much Gayla,God has answered my prayers through you.
You will never kniw how much you have helped.
I Praise the Lord for you!

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