All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Are there Christans who truely think Jesus is so wonderful? I can't say He is so wonderful. When I evangelize, of course I say "God loves you, Jesus loves you" while I know in knowledge "He loves me", not feeling He really does. The more I tell about Jesus Christ, the more I can't help feeling guilty for lying because what I am saying is not what I am believeing wholeheartedly. For example, when "everything is in His hand, He always make them best to us" I tell people, which I am not happy with, I feel like as if I am telling lie. How can I tell what I don't believe? How can I introduce people what I am not with happy/satisfied with. I don't think to Jeremiah, God was so wonderful. He often tried to run away from His commandment. God always has told Jeremiah to tell people what he didn't tell people. Jesus died for our sin so that we can live with God. We have to OBEY God no matter what. But how can we? First, we have to be filled with joy,peace, love of Holy Spirit. Without Gas, car doesn't run. When I watched a DVD, a lady explained about Jesus Christ. She said "Jesus is wonderful". I can't think she said what she didn't think wholeheartedly, I think she said what she really thought. If I say Jesus is wonderful when I don't think so, people feel in spirit whether I say is what I truely believe or not. How can the lady say so? I think she is in her late in 40's to 50's. I believe she has received many commandments from God. She knows she has to obey God. Whatever commandment is hard, difficult, "For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Sprit what is contrary to the sinful natuire. They are in conflict with each other, so that you don not do what you want.Galatians 5:17". She must have had many difficult order from God. She must have been in the many difficult situations given by God. When Christians say good thing about Jesus, I can't help doubting if they say from their heart, or just say so because they don't want others to stumble, Especially, pastors, or leaders always have to say good thing about Jesus, if they don't, those who are led by them stumble. I should do this or that, I shouldn't do this or that, I am bound to the laws in Bible. Even when I am typing these sentences, I am afraid that this is not His will but Satan's deception and I will be judged by God. I want to always be happy with Jesus even if He asks me my life and things I don't want to give up.

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Comment by felixpadua on April 12, 2009 at 7:17am
thank you for this blog. i learned something today from your blog.

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