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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

It seems the subject of Giving is often accompanied by suggested guidelines, recommended percentages, and veiled apologies for bringing
it up, (along with the assumption that the associated organization’s
Giving must be down). As a ministry leader and director of a 501-C3, I
know that even mentioning Giving makes me uncomfortable! I have a
little different perspective as I write today. In 2 Corinthians 9.1-5,
Paul writes to commend the Corinthians' giving, mentioning their
generosity to the mother church in Jerusalem, though they had little to spare themselves.

Whenever I brush up against this kind of unselfish generosity, it makes me stop and consider my own generosity, or lack thereof. Am I a generous
person? Well, I guess that depends on how one defines generosity...with
what might I be generous? My money, my time.... money is
obvious--giving to God's work and to those who have far less than I do,
and giving my time to serve God....'that it? At a weekend baseball
game, I turned and asked the guy behind me if he was a generous
person...he thought for a moment, and said, 'Yes, I believe I am...'.
'Why would you say so?' I help those who need help--financially, I
mean.' ''That all?' He scratched his chin and said, 'And I am a good
listener.' Ah, a good listener...hmmm, it doesn't take money to
compassionately listen. I turned around and thought about that a little
more. A generous person gives of his financial resources, serves with
his time, from his heart...out of compassion, and that would include
listening, just being there for someone.

Then, I went to my trusty bookshelf and grabbed a highly-touted book on generous giving. The story revolved around two main characters, both
successful businessmen by anyone's measure. However, besides business,
the similarities between the two diminished. The first, the 'broker'
was a self-made man and lived only for himself, wracking up one material
trophy after another. Personally though, his life was rather flat.

The second fellow, called the 'executive' was every bit the self-made man, in that he had a thriving, huge business he had built . . .

But he looked at everything he was,

everything he came to be,

and his very life,

as being gifts from God.

After being intrigued by the executive's story, the broker went to meet the guy, find out if he was 'for real', and to find the holes in his
thinking. Since the executive knew even his precious time belonged to
God, the executive was willing to carve out a big block of time to just
share his life with the broker, most all aspects of it. What the
broker discovered was intriguing and most fascinating! Besides looking
at all of life as gifts from God, the executive’s life was characterized
by thanking God for all of his blessings, AND then, looking for ways to
bless other people. Truly, after the joy of serving God and loving his
family, his greatest fulfillment came through meeting the needs of
others. Hmmm . . .

Now I do not particularly care for Joan Rivers, but her line, "Can we thwack?" is so perfect here... Let's be real for a moment. In many marriages, husbands and wives have different ideas
about giving of financial resources; she thinks they should tithe at
least 10 percent, while he thinks a few dollars here and there is fine.
(I know that is how it is at my house)

In The Generosity Factor, (the aforementioned book), no percentages and no formulas are even mentioned, which is cool, and certainly sets this 'read' apart from
others on giving. I do not remember the word 'stewardship' being
mentioned either...also cool. Instead, author Ken Blanchard
mentions four areas that comprise our general disposition toward
generosity. 'Ready? They are TIME, TREASURE, TALENT and TOUCH. Giving of any of these blesses others, but also changes, grows and enriches us!

Blanchard’s four components of generosity are real mind expanding, because so many times we confine our thoughts about generosity to treasure and may
include time, but talent and touch? Awesome! Are you poor of means? Then begin to consider how you might be generous with your talent, time, and touch . . . Does it not open a whole new way of looking at personal generosity? So, how are you doing? Are you generous with time, treasure, talent and touch? Why? Why not? What do you think?? Hmmm . . .

'Hope this makes you think!


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