All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

So you believe that you’re a failure.


Sure, you graduated college with a B.A. and master’s degree. Now after ten years of higher learning there is really nothing to show but a sub par job. Though it is hard to perceive, those desires of the heart, your so call ‘grand’ ideas were closer to hitting a target than you think. Realize your situation is not unique however holding on to fears, bad breaks, and set backs are!



Through the course of life we all have fallen short of goals and dreams. Let’s face it, nobody is perfect, everyone has failed at something right? According to Psychologist, two most common fears people face are failure and success. Its also evident apprehension is the number one culprit for a myriad of lost opportunities along with a handful of bad breaks in many people’s life. Based on these facts, you are a failure. Well, maybe not a complete failure.


Fear of failure

The fear of failing has caused many people to fail before they attempt to start let a lone finish the project.


Fear of success 

The majority of people want to succeed in life but have placed stumbling blocks in their way; fear of failure, what people would say, or procrastination.


Do any of these definitions depict you? Is there a fear to start or finish a project? Have you sabotaged your dreams with procrastination? Either way you can break through the barriers of fear by committing to memory God will provide all your needs, just believe and don't give up hope. Satan will do all he can to cause disarray in your life. God said ask and you will receive, just believe, stop being fearful, thinking in the past, shack the negative thoughts and receive your blessing from God!


Be encouraged; rekindle the fire and a winner in Christ today!




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