All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi there,

I wonder if someone can help me with an answer on this site.
I understand that AAG is about discussion and making friends and finding out new things etc.
I replied to a blog recently about the Lords supper, giving my understanding of the occasion that Jesus said those words that we all know so well, ‘when you drink this cup and partake of this bread, remember me’.
I had explained that the occasion that The Lord said those words were at an annual Passover Feast, his last one.
It seems clear to me that Jesus expected his disciples and those coming after would be continuing to keep this feast, which is why he said, the words, ‘when you do this remember me’.
Jesus is the fulfilment of the feast and he was explaining this to his disciples.
There is an apparent contradiction in the church with this request of Jesus and what actually is carried out on a regular basis, usually on a Sunday morning at most gatherings around the world.
My reply has been deleted and all blog posts on the subject no longer possible.
I am wondering why this is?
Is this really a site where truth can be discussed or are we being denied this ?
I would love to explain further as to how this misunderstanding in the church came about and discuss the relevant scriptures. I believe that truth, no matter how hard to swallow, or how embarrassing, is always a good thing to get hold of.

Thank you.

Blessings to you

Views: 130


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Comment by Carla on August 20, 2012 at 8:38am

Hi Tim,

I responded to this message a couple times in addition to this time...  Any ideas where my other post went?  :-)

Comment by Mary O on August 16, 2012 at 12:26pm

I like to break away from tradition.

I went to this amazing communion service. They had wine, bread and dip.  Our host carried the tray to each of us. We dipped our bread into a community bowl filled with dip. It was one of those big loaves of bread hollowed out and filled with dip. We listened to soft music and sang. He then washed our feet (for those of us who would allow it.) I felt like he put a lot of thought and heart into it. He also allowed children to participate as long as they were old enough to understand what was happening. I liked having the little kids there.

Still another communion service I went to, she had bread and wine. We had a lovely prayer service. We ministered to each other and prayed about different concerns. She also washed our feet. We each received a lovely book about prayer. This group was all adults. She was more liberal with the candles.

Both services were sweet. In their own way, they moved away from what I thought was standard operating procedures. Still another service that I went to we were asked to observe an evening of silence and prayer. That was an adult group too. It was amazing. I was so peaceful.

Love and God bless!


Comment by Carla on August 16, 2012 at 10:20am

Communion is a beautiful intimate act of obedience that we do...  I think you're right Tim that we don't do it enough.  the church I belong to holds Communion a few times/year as a congregation, and our home church holds it as well (which is part of the church but a small number of us)  My church is several homechurches which come together to make up the larger congregation....  Anyhow--- Yes, communion is important.  I totally agree.


I love what Mary said about having it at home--Great idea.


Blessings, Carla


ps--as Rita said, we are not in the habit of deleting topics.  We do close discussion when they get heated or abusive, but we leave them up for education. learning and awareness purposes.  We use them as an example of what can happen when we don't honor and respect eachother.  The only time a discussion would be deleted is if a member deletes their account, and takes their information with them. or if they are banned--even then, the option still stands to keep their information posted here on AAG. 

However, if a person is behaving bolding abusive using bad language or posting information that is harmful to other members, or posting links to harmful websites, or anything else that could potentially injure another member, in that case it will be taken down.  You can view our membership agreement here:


Hopefully this answers your questions.


Blessings, Carla

Comment by Tim on August 16, 2012 at 9:16am

Hi Mary,

That's great, God is so good to us, healing and blessings just fall on our heads when we ask. Isn't he amazing.

I think that the reason that communion seems to be a 'centre' for healing is that there is a greater faith expectancy at that time on the part of the receiver, but I am sure there is healing and all sorts of blessings that are just waiting to fall at all times of the day and hour if we only realised it.

Did you know that the word 'communion' is taken from the second book of acts where the disciples and followers were meeting in each others houses and simply communing with each other. i.e. talking to each other.

It wasn't until later that the word has been misused and it was assumed that they were having bread and wine together as many christians do today.

Of course they wouldn't be doing that because they were mainly Jewish believers and Jesus had only recently asked them to remember him at the annual feast of Passover.

Passover was kept by Christians each year until well into the 2nd and 3rd centries when the church started to become distorted.

It is good that now a few people have realised how far the church has wandered away from how we should be and the  annual Passover feast  is again being enjoyed as we discover what Jesus intended and what he was really saying when he asked to be remembered at that feast time.

I used to take bread and wine for years and years ( I have been a christian for 40 years) before I realised how the feast had been usurped by the enemy. What I find hard is that I didn't even realise that the main part of the feast had been removed, The Lamb, which aught to be at the centre of the feast has been discarded by our sunday morning rituals. It makes you realise who must be behind this other 'supper'.

We now have bread, the bread of life, and wine, the blood of sanctification. There is only one person that would want to remove the lamb and replace it with food and forgiveness without Jesus isn't there?

Well that is just a thought and I know that many Christians worship Jesus in this way unwittingly so I do not mean to upset anyone.

I would like people to think about what has happened here though.

Blessings to you.


Comment by Mary O on August 16, 2012 at 7:08am

I don't know about the deletions, but I like to talk about communion and the passover.  :-)   Gary (husband) and I partake of communion once a year mostly.  However, from what I can see in the Word, the wine represents the blood which is for remission of sins.  The bread is for our healing, by whose stripes we are healed.  I've seen some miracles centered around communion.  This is the however part, sometimes when Gary and I are sick one of us or both, we will have communion together. We know that when Israel left Egypt there was not one feeble knee. We don't wait to go to church on Sunday, we have communion at home and remember Jesus.

Love and God bless,


Comment by Carla on August 16, 2012 at 6:55am

Hi Tim,

I'm a volunteer moderator and administrator here on AAG, and I don't know anything about these discussions being removed.  When discussions are closed down or removed, there is always communication between the Administration here on AAG so that we are all aware of it.  I suggest that you go to the person who published the blog in the first place and ask them if they have personally removed it.


I hope that I have been of some help.


Blessings, Carla

Comment by Rita Cullimore on August 16, 2012 at 4:49am


It could be that the person posting the original topic deleted it for some reason. I do not think it is the habit of AAG to delete a topic. They will, however, close the discussions if need be. Perhaps you need to go to the forum and repost the topic.



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