All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Anticipate a great new year.
Think well.
We have within these most incredible God-given brains, the capacity to think welldream big and grow far beyond the mediocrity for which most of us settle. Yet so many of us are held captive by our thinking.  
Are you a good thinker, or better put, do you think well?  Weak thinking leaves us vulnerable and makes us easily influenced by external pressures.  It allows for our emotional state to be thrown around, slammed against a wall and run over by a car.  
Look around you  . . . you will find people who are scared, worried, casting about . . . ‘What will 2021 hold?  Will it be worse than last year?  I just don’t know how much more I can take!’ You've heard it - maybe that is you. Hmmm. Is your thinking easily influenced?   If so, toward that which is good, holy and faith-filled, or toward the world’s values, solutions and priorities?  Hmmm . . . requires a little thought, doesn't it?  What do you and I give priority to in our minds?  Do we manage our thoughts, or do they manage us? This is one area that we really do have the ability to control.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—
his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12.2
gotta love Paul.
Do your thoughts control you, or do you control your thoughts? Is it even possible to 'rein in' thoughts of worry or fear or lust or secondary thoughts like prejudice, jealousy or envy? I believe it is.  In 2 Corinthians 10.5, Paul says "we are taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ . . ." This indicates that it is indeed possible.
If you are going to make 2021 a great year, if you are to experience personal victory in your life, an interview with self may be in order to help you see clearly. What sorts of thoughts are yours?  About what would you say you spend most of your time thinking?______________________
What thoughts do you have that are pleasing to God? _____________________
Which thoughts are not?_____________________________
Let's start this New Year off with thinking well . . . and by thinking good thoughts. Ask God to renew your mind, to make it like new … to clean and refresh it.  Then take time to dwell on God’s Word.  You will soon see that verses you have read, meditated upon and studied will run through your mind just when you need them!  
You will see that God’s perspective is truth,
his ways are right,
his heart is filled with joy and
he is for you!
Anticipate greatness this year - start with your thinking.

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