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Another Amazing testimony Holy Spirits Workshop Nigeria

This is the second time I have heard that God spoke to Pastor Amos, the first time He gave Pastor Amos a phone number that turned out to be in a European nation the man who answered the phone repented and gave his life to Jesus and another with him a Muslim man also repented and accepted Jesus.
This is another similar amazing testimony.
I had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Amos when I visited the Philippines April 2008, he has one of the most amazing testimonies regarding his own life and salvation.
I will see if I can share it soon.

Testimony - HSW in Nigeria

24 March 2009

From Pastor Amos Oriakhi:

I woke up this morning and the Lord asked me to call a number, which I did. It was the number of the personal chief photographer of the sector commander of Nigerian Customs. I told him the Lord wanted me to pray for his family. He screamed that it was for his wife who had weakened bones. She could not move, walk or do any domestic activities as she was partially paralysed. She also is a civil servant in Oyo State. Her husband said that as the state was on strike, he brought her to stay with him to seek medical help. I then asked to speak to the wife so the husband gave her the hand phone. I breathed into the phone three times. Then I heard a loud noise and the wife was shouting in an unknown tongue, even though it was as early as 4am this morning. I breathed again into the phone, and she was unable to control her emotions making such a noise, which later I understood she was being filled with the Holy Spirit. After about two minutes, I inquired about her present state. She shouted that she was running around the room, a thing that she had not done for a long time. She was healed right inside her husband’s room in front of him. He said he did not understand what was going on as the wife cried in praise of the Lord. I have never met this woman before, but the Lord showed her to me when I slept.

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Comment by GraHam Spooner on March 27, 2009 at 6:25am
Hi brother Felix, your reply is good news, that means that Jesus is your brother and my brother and you are doing the will of our Father on Heaven?
Are you aware of the command of the Father to the disciples of Jesus?
It is like a lost command, because not enough are following it, one would think that being a command from the Father and there is only one that we all would know and do it, but not everyone wants to even when they know it, and that's something I cannot figure out for me I love the Lord the Lord the Lord so much and want to follow Him and for Jesus to come back soon, to put an end to the misery and suffering that we do to each other.
I wasn't aware of it until I was shown a few years ago and following it has been so good and fruitful.
Have a search and see if you can find it.
Please accept my apology for spelling your name wrong.
brotherly love in Jesus name
Comment by felixpadua on March 27, 2009 at 4:48am
thank you brother Graham.
Comment by GraHam Spooner on March 27, 2009 at 2:15am
I really appreciate your desire to be respectful BUT I want / need no such title it's not about me but all about Jesus.
To solve this situation, be one who is a true disciple who loves Jesus and does His work as in Mathew 12:50 For whoever shall do the will of My Father in Heaven, the same is My brother and sister and mother.
Then I an will be so very pleased to call you my brother who loves you, Jesus said in
John 13:34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. As I have loved you, you should also love one another.
John 13:35 By this all shall know that you are My disciples, if you have love toward one another.
So if you do the above as Jesus said 'brother' will be perfect otherwise GraHam
in Jesus name GraHam Spooner
the Lord bless you Flexipadus
Comment by felixpadua on March 26, 2009 at 5:56pm
how do i address you then with respect?
Comment by GraHam Spooner on March 26, 2009 at 4:02pm
Thank you for your reply, but I am no 'sir' but a son of God called GraHam who is not doing enough for Him.
Come Lord Jesus come soon.
Comment by felixpadua on March 26, 2009 at 3:44pm
thank you sir graham for praying for me. and for showing me the way to forgiveness.
Comment by GraHam Spooner on March 26, 2009 at 3:39pm
Hi Flexipadua, I declare your sins forgiven, be perfectly healed today in Jesus name!
I daily/hourly look at myself to see what I need to repent of so that Satan has no hold on me.
Most of us repent of our sins before our Heavenly Father, but we also must cleanse ourselves of our unforgiveness of our enemies, when we forgive we can be forgiven.
Jesus says to pray for our enemies and do good to them, so what I do is to say 'I forgive --------- for what they did to me/ said about me, Father draw them to Jesus so that they may repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour to become a brother/sister who loves you and me.
Also ask the Holy Spirit to come live in you - if you haven't already, we need Him to overcome and to be a witness for Jesus.
In Jesus name amen
Comment by felixpadua on March 26, 2009 at 7:33am
wow, ive been asking the heavenly Father for the healing of my own ailments. i know i'm being healed because i am still alive but how i wish i have a dramatic, instant healing like this one from the Father. Anyway, i am not complaining, the Father knows what's best for me. and i pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

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