All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Whoso is slow to anger [is] of great understanding, And whoso is short in temper is exalting folly Proverbs 14:29

Anger is the most misunderstood human emotion. Anger can cause people to block their feelings or lash out with aggression. I’m not a psychiatric consultant but it appears many suffer from anger based on circumstances, self-pity, being mistreated, or just mad at the world. I have to also believe another contributing factor is people placing trust in material things, intangible desires and jobs. When life runs amuck, people look for someone to blame and release their rage.

The mindset of countless Americans is complacency in life, be it good or bad. Opposed to stepping out in faith and taking God’s word to heart, they rely on others, government or jobs as their lifeline and when corporations shut down, or lay-off employees, anger positions itself in those who feel let down. In such situations, betrayed individuals become enraged thus triggering their bundled emotions to fester into increased Alcohol and drug usage as well as other forms of aggression which can lead to slaying employers, co-workers, snuffing family members out as well as taking their own life all in the name of anger.

Through out the Old Testament God had plenty to be boiling with rage, yet he always found a way to be compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding with love and faithfulness. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires James 1:19-20. In total contrast of what God spoke and Jesus preached, society has relied upon their own knowledge for so long many have turned their back on God. They have become complacent with life/jobs until havoc knocks them down and anger creeps into the spirit. What is really needed is an orchestrated effort of doubters to visit with the one doctor who can cure all infirmities; Jesus the Christ.

God clearly tells us not to lean up on our own understandings or depend on others but place our trust in the Trinity: God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. When we deviate from this source there is destined to be chaos. Disgruntled souls filled with hopelessness seek all forms of anger relievers, everything accept the main source Jesus Christ. I venture to say if people would take time to crack open God’s medical book call the bible, meditate upon on his word a lot of wrath can be eradicated. Stop banking on your own knowledge, placing faith in man, jobs, and material things but into the one who created all, God!  It’s a daily work in progress to be in God’s will and to overcome anger. Trust in His word, allow God to show you His ways and direct your path based on his truth!

I encourage all to seek God, pray, call upon his name and develop a relationship. Stop letting the days of your life pass you by because of anger, get up get out and do something stop letting the days of your life pass you by!

Tigner J.


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