All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I've always loved reading, watching documentaries, and listening to lectures about the American Civil War. It is a black mark on our history, yet also an example of true faith.

President Abraham Lincoln held fast to his Christian faith that our country would not be divided in half. In March of 1864, he appointed General Ulysses S. Grant as “General in Chief” of the Union army. Grant believed that only an “unconditional surrender” would end the terrible war. This was proven when on April 9th, 1865, almost four years to the day it started, General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Confederate army at Appomattox Courthouse.

The term “unconditional surrender” is as pertinent today in the lives of Christians, as well as people unsure about following Christ. Everyday, a civil war rages within us. We are surrounded by this world and its general, Satan who longs to separate us from Christ, or turn those unsure about Christ, away from Him.

When we fell we are being cornered by Satan and all of his forces, the one thing we should do is to unconditionally surrender. Not to Satan, but to the only Savior of this world, Jesus Christ. It is only by giving our everything to Him that we can depend upon Him to fight this war for us and win.

God accepts no conditions we may have about a surrender. He wants all of us. A good example would be if someone wanted to give you a donut but it had a small piece removed. You probably wouldn't accept the donut if it all isn't given to you.

The perfect example of surrendering to God comes from Christ and is found in the most perfect prayer ever prayed. In Matthew 26:39, in the garden of Gethsemane, knowing in a few minutes armed guards led by Judas Iscariot would arrest Him and He would be tried, beaten, and crucified on a cross, Jesus, after falling to the ground, prayed, ““My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” That is a total surrender to God.

The Bible has many passages about surrendering. In Matthew 8, the centurion knew Jesus would save his servant and Jesus marveled at his faith. Every person who was blind, crippled, or had leprosy completely surrendered to Jesus, knowing He could heal them.

In Matthew 7:21, Jesus spoke of surrendering to His Father in Heaven. Only those who do God's will, can see the Kingdom of Heaven.

Acts 4:12 defines what perfect surrender is. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Only in the Lord, Jesus Christ, do we have hope of salvation by surrendering to Him.

If you're facing troubles and feel you are surrounded by this corrupt world that we live in, raise a white flag and surrender to Jesus Christ. He will not only fight the battles for us, He will win!

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