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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

An Open Letter to a Soldier
By Darlene Hight

Dear Soldier,

Today is Veteran's day and as I sit on my outside deck drinking a freshly brewed cup of coffee, my thoughts are on you. The day is warm and pleasant here in Bastrop, Texas. My puppies are playing in our fenced yard. Birds sing overhead and I watch as my cat hunts a field mouse. A light breeze brushes across my face. I think about how I sit here in a place of peace and safety while you face the horror, violence and evil that life holds. I think about my grandchildren who head off to school safe and happy and about my children; their parents who head off to work, a relatively safe destination. Each of us enjoy these simple pleasures because of you and the many who have gone before you. Because of you, my grandchildren and all of the children in this country have been spared the atrocity of war in our front yard. We do not have to live with armed men in our streets and bombs going off near our homes and work place. Because of you, children and families in other war torn countries may someday enjoy the peace that I ,now, enjoy.

When you come home, some in their ignorance will belittle you and your sacrifice. For them, I apologize and I hope that you will accept my humble and sincere gratitude and overlook their selfishness. I pray that you will know that your sacrifice, though an extremely high price, was and is of great value and significant to the many who enjoy a place of security because of it. You share a common trait with Jesus, our Savior.

Romans 5:15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if many died by the trespass of the one man,
how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ,
overflow to the many.

God Bless you!

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