All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

American Christians Broadcasting Network.

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Comment by rajababu on May 8, 2009 at 6:47am
My Dear Beloved In Jesus Christ,

Greetings to you in this most worthy and fair name,

I am pastor M.raja babu,age 33,studied B.Com Degree,married my beloved wife name is Jyothi.God blessed with one daughter name Joice.I haled from a poor Christian family serving the Lord for the last 6 years in cherukupalli and its surrounding rural villages.

Myself and my "JOICE GOSPEL MINISTRIES" members used to visit total villages,campain for two days in each and every villages knock door-door, distributes pamphlets, tracts and bible material, pray for the sick and needy conduct street preaching in the word of God and in night timings we conduct Gospel meetings proclaiming the Gospel word according to MARK 13:10 .starting churches according to MATT 16:18 and leading souls to the kingdom of god according to ROMANS 10:9.Your blessings at this area is much more needed to develop evangelism.

We were all praying for you, for your family and we request you to continue to pray for us for our ministry, for the orphan children, old aged people widows get the needy and further pray of our ministries,” YOUR BLESSINGS AT THIS AREA IS MUCH MORE NEEDED TO DEVELOP PREACHING TO WORD OF GOD".

We are waiting to receive your blessings, please send your mail.

Your brother in Christ


founder of joice Gospel ministries,

Cherukupalli,Guntur(d,t).Andhra Pradesh


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