All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Remember when you were 14 years old and wished you were 16, so that you could get your permit to drive! How about when you were 18 and couldn’t wait till you turned 21. Then all of a sudden, the years started going so fast that you wished that you could slow them down.
It’s so amazing how this affects a lot of people. The young want to get old, and the old want to be young again. This might sound crazy to you but it is true! Try telling a young kid that he/she looks young, you’ll offend them. On the other hand, tell an older person that he/she actually looks his/her age, they’ll get offended also.
Here’s a little advice; don’t ever guess anybody’s age, no matter how much they beg you to do it. People don’t want to hear the truth.
Aging has been difficult for many people. Sometimes they forget that it’s part of life. I believe that it has to do with people’s past and their accomplishments. If you ask around, you’ll be amazed at how people wish they were young again, so they could make different choices in life. These are some examples: finish school, get married, have kids, buy a house, and save money.
There’s something you should know; no matter how bad you would love to reverse the aging process, you can’t. I believe that you can slow it down by enjoying life more. Now, here’s the other side of the coin you can accelerate the aging process by worrying about getting old. So, Don’t Worry about it!
Here’s something I noticed as I’m getting older; I look for ways to do things easier. Take a look at some older people and the way they do things. Shoes for instance; they don’t believe in tying shoes anymore, they use slip-ons. You know what? I find myself doing that with my shoes also. I think that as you get older you become wiser. You don’t realize it until you meet the young and they ask you for advice.
As usual my advice: getting older doesn’t have to be a bad experience; on the contrary, it should be an awesome experience, but do pay attention to details and advice from your pastor, your doctor, your wife/husband, family, and friends. They’ll help you in your aging process!

“ I thought, 'Those who are older should speak, for wisdom comes with age. Surely it is God's Spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty within them, that makes them intelligent”.
Job 32:7-8

For His Glory

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Comment by Jeanette B on February 12, 2009 at 4:22pm
Thanks for that, Sergio!! I particularly love the verse you've quoted. Bless ya!! So, are you old??? :-)
Instead of asking age, maybe one should ask, "How wise are you? How many years of wisdom have you had?"

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