All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Many of us stand accused of disregarding family and friends who stood by our side during times of need. After being consoled and invigorated back to life, we toss them away like a used rag; they become after thoughts.

I have a friend who had a heart wrenching experience so tragic life became unbearable he was unable to sleep, eat, or desired to live. The storm had his mind rambling and speaking confused statements of life; in short trying to make sense of a bad situation. I became a soundboard, the voice of reason; someone he could confide in during the darkest hours of the night.

In our personal lives, we groan and cry out woe is me, the storm is too strong the night too dark and the pain is unbearable. Where are you Lord? I don’t feel your presence, weeping has been endured for more than a night and morning seems like it will never come. Nevertheless, when sunny days finally arrive, God now becomes an after thought.

Today, my friend’s turmoil has ended, life is back to normal. He has moved out of state, frequently visits home and enjoying life. On occasion he calls, typically when departing home. I’ve become the person who keeps him awake during a long journey. In spite of his happy ending I have become the after thought.

Question 1: how does one deal with this situation? Do I allow the flesh to curse and loose a friend? Or do I confront my friend and forgive him? Do I stop helping people because in the end I will be hurt or does one continue being the voice of reason by providing words of encouragement to others in pain?

Question 2: Reflecting back over your life, have you treated Christ or friends as after thoughts? Only calling when needed or do you reach out to Christ and friends during all times thanking them for being in your life?

So, what is the closing statement? What should I do, loose or regain a friend? Call on Christ when needed or all times? I’m seeking advice from you! Let me know your thoughts.


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