All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Last night in my group I gave a real deppressing message on what the world will look like in the end times before our Lord returns. It was depressing because what I wrote was not about a future world. This world I described is the world we are living in now!
Some people (I know I was one of them) don't like to acknowledge that we are all sinners. Of the picture I gave last night, many will say "thank goodness, that's not me!" REALLY?? None of us are worthy to receive mercy from the Lord. We all deserve death. Hard statement to make, this I know.
The good news, folks, is that we were redeememed by the blood of the Lamb. How to make use of this wonderfull redemption is easy for some, almost impossible for others. You see, we are required to put our faith into something that we cannot see! In a world where everything must be based on hard-core proof, that is asking the near impossible. The Lord likened the kind of belief we should have with that of a child. Like a child is eager to learn and ready to believe anything, just so must we become. READY TO LEARN and just have faith.
Easier said than done, you might say. I beg to differ. When I started testing that wonderfull truth; to put my trust in God and just have faith in Him, THATS WHEN THINGS START TO HAPPEN! He is ever faithfull to never ever let us down. All through history, from the the day of creation, this had been a proven fact: if we just put our faith in the Lord, instead of looking to people in our time of trouble, HE WILL COME THROUGH FOR US!
But is this the only time we should look to Him? Only in times of distress? No! He wants to be our EVERYTHING! The greatest news of all is that He CAN be our everything, if we trust in Him. He wants to do great things in our lives. Will we let Him?
Some-one said: LET GO AND LET GOD! We don't have to be concerned about the world today if our trust is in the MOST HIGH. Believers, followers of Christ has no problem facing death, destruction and mayhem, because we know where we are going to! My husband one night was quite disturbed about a report of a meteor that came dangerously close to colliding with earth. He said to me: "you know, this is a possibility! The earth can really be destroyed by such a thing!" I said to him: "why are you worried?"
Why indeed should we be worried about the world's destruction? The important part of a human, our souls, rest in God! No matter what happens to our bodies. If we had put our trust and our faith in the One above all others, we will live forever!
For those individuals that joined us here on the Net, still with questions, or still deciding there is a wonderfull solution! You don't have to be good with words. You don't have to use high language to speak to God! You don't have to be educated to be able to invite Jesus into your life! In Rev 3:20 we find the following words: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I WILL COME IN TO HIM and will eat with him, and he with Me." (Emphasis mine)
Is the Lord knocking at your door today? Let Him in and you will not be dissapointed. How do you let Him in? Go on your knees right now, just there where you are and ask His forgiveness for your sins. Tell Him that you believe in Him; in His immeassurable love for you; ask Him to cleanse you in His blood already shed for us. Tell Him that you need Him in your life, place your hand in the Lord's Hand and He will never lead you astray. He will never leave you; He will be your comfort, your safe retreat.

Love in Christ

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