All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

about how life can be hard due to the enemy and thr people who follow him.

rejection happens in life,its something we all have faced and its not one the most pleasant things to encounter.from my childhood -now.back in elementary and junior high i hated pe class because i wasnt athletic and every time i made errors other students would verbally abuse me calling me names while the pe teachers did nothing.i wasnt grown then and my parents werent there so they should had took up for mom was an alcoholic during my growing up she had two nervous breakdowns when i was 8 and 11 yrs old and then an accident head on collision when i was 13.when i was 11 my mom was in the hospital and i was absent from school and my so called aunts wanted me to be in school and were upset because i was missing school and getting bad grades instead of consoling me and realizing my moms in the hospital im more concerned with that than school,plus my dad wasnt in the moms father wanted me to turn to religion when i was 15,but i wasnt ready and we got in an argument,also at 15 living with an aunt she kicked me out after having an argument,then at 17 i was expelled from school over 19 i was robbed and rejected people from my moms job wouldnt let me stay with them.i also had issues with my moms family not accepting my preferance of liking females of a different race,therapist,hotlines and people letting me down.speaking of one of my lousy aunts when i was 10 i wanted to go to mcdonalds and she wouldnt take me,when i was 12 it was hot and summer time i wanted a soda and hinted to her,but all she did was ask how im going to get it? hello when i was 10 and 12 i was too young to work,now i could get these myself not then though.ive had some christians let me down too judging me,acting ungodly which is expect more from christians and therapy when they let you down it hurts more than anyone else.since then though i finally accepted christ when i was 27 this time i was ready.after backsliding ive put jesus and god first which helped me to enjoy life better.i can talk to them anytime without a letdown,like you take a risk with people they may tell you theyre busy,be rude or they could be nice and talk but youre taking a risk as with jesus and god talking to them there are no risks theyre always there.ive got my high school equivalency diploma too.when i put people before god as i did in the past you can tell it was unpleasant.god probably looked at it this way.he wasnt happy that i put people above him,at the same time he wasnt happy with the way i was treated either because if they had did what he and his son jesus intented they would had accepted and helped me not reject me.i understand trials and tribulations and well be tested in life,but i know god still doesnt like rejection.

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Comment by Sharon Horne on March 27, 2010 at 2:26pm
Hi Daniel, It has always been my experience in life that "people" will always let you down if they don't know the Lord. Even many that "claim" to, just don't get it. It is still about what they think, NOT what God tells us we MUST do. It is so very simple that it always amazes me that so many people never seem to realize how simple it is. I have always attempted to teach my kids that they can be as individual as they feel the need to be as long as they are good, kind people that don't hurt others in the process of achieving their goals. Asking yourself what Jesus would do is the easiest solution to any problem. It sounds like you have dealt with a lot of disappointments in your life. As sad as it may be, I am sure you are a stronger person for all of it. Your lessons will make it so much easier for you to relate to others in that situation. That may turn out to be one of your greatest gifts. Hang in there my young friend. Shar

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