All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Today, I was visiting an elder from the Chruch I attend. I had went to visit him initially because I was having some problems in my spirit life. Well, after much needed clarification and guidance, we had a long prayer session, just him and I. My friend and elder encouraged me to pray for the Holy Spirit to manifest within me, and to encourage him to feel me with power. Well, after a few minutes of praying, I wasn't recieving the spirit, because I had some doubt and unbelief dwelling in my soul. I had told the brother about this, and he told me to just pray through it. I took a short pause, and then I continued to pray again, on my own, and this time I poured my heart out to God, and just let him have it. After a few minutes, I found myself speaking in tongues; but it wasn't continous, it was short-spurts, I think because I was letting doubt creep back in. I kept praying and praying, and I would continue to speak out in tongues, short bursts throughout. The prayer time was so incredible because I had never been so personal with God before, and never so close, I don't think. The whole time I was praying, I felt a continous tingling in my face, I had never felt before. I felt some other sensations as well, that I thought must have been the spirit, because I had never before experienced such random tingling and numbess of my hands. Anywho, just thought that was so awesome.

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Comment by brandon soileau on August 5, 2011 at 10:55pm
Thank you Brother. I appreciate the positive feedback
Comment by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on August 5, 2011 at 5:55pm

So awesome is so right, Brandon.

Keep on keeping on!


Grace and Peace.

Comment by a servant (Chris) on August 5, 2011 at 5:51am


Praise God good for you


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