His Kindness and Covenant
"For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the Covenant of My Peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee" (Isaiah 54:10).
One of the most delightful qualities of divine love is its abiding character. The pillars of the earth may be moved out of their places, but the kindness and the covenant of our merciful Jehovah never departs from His people. How happy my soul feels in a firm belief of this inspired Decemberlaration! The year is almost over, and the years of my life are growing few indeed, but time does not change my LORD. New lamps are taking the place of the old; perpetual change is on all things, but our LORD is the same. Force over turns the hills, but no conceivable power can affect the eternal God. Nothing in the past, the present, or the future can cause Jehovah to be unkind to me. My soul, rests in the eternal kindness of the LORD, who treats thee as one near of kin. Remember also the everlasting covenant. God is ever mindful of it--see that thou art mindful of it too. In Christ Jesus the glorious God has pledged Himself to thee to be thy God and to hold thee as one of His people. Kindness and covenant--dwell on these words as sure and lasting things which eternity itself shall not take from thee.
A True Miracle:
This scripture is very profound; and a testimony to what happened just Christmas day this year to my son, and daughter-in-law in Nevada....
They'd just moved there, barely even a month now; and my son wanted to treat his new bride to an American traditional Christmas dinner and scope out the area and I'm sure to veiw the Christmas decorations etc;... (I spoke to him around noon time on Christmas day, while they were enroute; and he promised to call me a few hours later when they got back home as they were on the road and it was snowing pretty hard; but they were happy and later that night as I was waiting for the phone to ring; it was about 10:45 pm, really past my bedtime, I kept thinking of them, and had a slightly uneasy feeling, and I asked Father to keep them safe on their trip, and said a small prayer for them to be surrounded by His angels, and then I went to bed. They were driving from Fallon to San Fransico through some pretty heavy snow & were they had parked by the restuarant; (each parking spot had some sort of saying painted on the ground, in front where the cars would be), and their parking spot read-" This will be the best day of the rest of your life".....
As my daughter N law was driving on the way back; through a pretty heavy blizzard, they had passed many accidents along the way, and saw several wrecks also, where the people had died, There were tire-Chain stops about every 50 miles, and driving was down to a mere 30 MPH in most places. When they came upon a bridge, my son saw, a company truck that was stopped on the bridge; before Miyuki had; and when she tried to apply the brakes, their car started sliding sideways and their vehicle spun in circles a few times, and they ended up somehow in front of the stopped truck that used to be in front of them and their car had smashed into a large mound of snow..
When they did arrive home, Chris said he must have kissed Miyukis lil face about 15-20 mins. from sheer relief, after their ordeal; My son called me soon after they got home, which was about midnight; but I was sill sleeping, and talked to him early the next morning; as I wanted to see how they were; you know how moms are, and he told me of their ordeal; and then he told me about what the parking space had read, he thought it was sortave an ironically funhy; because he said it was more like the worst day of their lives; ....I told Chris, Son, it may seem like one of the worst to you right now; but yet if you think about it in another way,... it really IS one of the Best days of your life, Because You both werent hurt, for one thing; and you both get to appreciate more, and cherish the things you do have; each other especially....
Their car didnt have any real damage either; just a few needle like scratches on the front part of the car where it hit the mound of snow.
I hadnt thought too much about it until just now; but Sometimes I believe God sends us small reminders to help to keep us humble, and to know that He is in charge lest we forget sometimes; and I'll try to remember to tell my son when he calls me; about the saying: 'That it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle; than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom',...
The next day they had Walmart remove the scratches from the car; but I wonder if they shouldnt have left them on the car after all....
Dearest Brother David, I believe these types of stories / happenings in our lives are testimonies of Gods Love, Mercies, and Graces He meant for us to share with each other to encourage one another of His Infinite, Love for us all; and a hope, for us to carry on in our purpose he has for each of us, till we all can come home again.
It can be in the smallest, almost insignificant things we sometimes may take for granted; that may seem like 'Luck" to yet some others, that if we can just pause long enough in our hectic lives for a moment or two, can be seen as some of the most beautiful, acts of Love and Compassion on the Heavenly Fathers part...
It is in the still quiet moments that I wait upon thee my Lord, and I can see Your graces more clearly.
My life was never meant to be easy or perfect, I just have to be obediant to Him, and remember where all my blessings, trials and yes (persecutions; not rfom God though) come from, and whch ones are allowed; to test us as by fire to show / prove our true Love and Devotion to Him... God does not make bad things happen to us; sometimes they are a result of bad choices we have made, and of course the 'Adversary" ( I dont like saying the fallen angels name; for obvious reasons) whos sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy any & all things that are good which comes from God; but agan, God may test us rarely, to test our Love for Him, for we do serve a jealous God; which is understood; SometimesI wonder how much my own children love me; for an example, so I look for signs, and also even ask them at times, Do You Love me?
Jesus asked the disciples this very question, several times, like at the last Supper, and just before he was handed over to the Romans.
To Peter he answered, "Surely before this night is over you shall deny me thrice before the cock crows"
Thers a saying; I may not say it correctly I'm sure; but :
Trials make you strong, and Faith and Love make you Blessed!~ (and Yes I know,... lol I kinda made it my own version,...;) Oh, well Cest La vie!~ Sil vous plais---<3
As you get older the memories may get a lil fuzzier, but becoming as a child again is what we're aiming for after all? This is more to encourage our Dear brothers and sisters in Christs love, as I said before, I am not a scholar; just a believer, and a servant child of Him,
Ever seeking His light & love,
His Blessings Always
Thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful story of God's blessings! God gives us everyday what I call "Little Blessings" in our lives. I pray that he keeps our eyes open and our ears listening for them.
May God Bless you dear Sister,
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