All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

A Time to Grow.

To everything there is a season, 

a time for every purpose under heaven: 

a time to be born, 

and a time to die; 

a time to plant, 

and a time to pluck what is planted; 

a time to kill, 

and a time to heal; 

a time to break down, 

and a time to build up; 

a time to weep, 

and a time to laugh; 

a time to mourn, 

and a time to dance; 

a time to cast away stones, 

And a time to gather stones; 

a time to embrace, 

and a time to refrain from embracing; 

a time to gain, 

And a time to lose; 

a time to keep, 

and a time to throw away; 

a time to tear, 

and a time to sew; 

a time to keep silence, 

and a time to speak; 

a time to love, 

and a time to hate; 

a time of war, 

and a time of peace. ecclesiastes 3.1-8 

I love the song by the Byrds: remember There is a Season? 

Written by Pete Seeger in the late 50s, and taken almost verbatim from the King James Bible. Fascinating, that. ;

May I humbly submit to you that 

This is the time to grow. 

this is the season you should grow your faith 

this is the season you should let your roots 

go down deeply in the love and 

Word of God. 

Sometimes people take a break from God in the summer; I know…that sounds strange, but admit it—it is true. Sleep schedules are looser, therefore wake schedules are later and somewhat willy-nilly; worshipping with other believers is oft wonky because other things somehow take priority, and of course, most groups—Bible study or whatever—seem to break for Summer. But wait! What if you were to decide that this is the season, this is the time you would like to grow in your relationship with God?! Wacky? I don’t think so. 

I invite you to ruminate—put your pen to paper perhaps—and think how you could grow in the ways of God, and the difference it would make in your life. 

>>Should you choose to pursue this kind of growth, 

>it will change everything. 

>I mean it. 


Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There Is A Season)
Learn to Earn - US/Canada Only - Make $$$$ Online A video I made for m...

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