Can that possibly be?? Can *I* be perfect?
I'm still looking at what James says in chapter 3. And he says that if we don't stumble in what we say, we are PERFECT!! (See 3:2)
He said early, that we are made perfect through various trials that befall us, which are actually tests to our faith, and that in turn produces patience. Patience, he says, has to do its perfect work in us so that we can, in turn, be perfect and complete. (See 1:2-3)
So, I am wondering if there's a link there between patience and being able to say the right thing at the right time?
Well (and I'm thinking aloud), when we are patient we tend not to speak hastily, but we are more able to think before we speak. And how do we get to be patient?
As James has said, by going through many troubles!! Urrgh!!! We don't really like that, eh? It's kind of like an endurance course, and everyone who makes it through to the end, gets the prize.
And for those of us who are still on that endurance course, James gives us some more pointers of how we are to handle it. He says:
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." (1:19-20, NIV)
In other words, don't put your foot in it!! Bite your tongue, and grin and bear it, brother!! Maybe controlling the tongue is the biggest test the Lord has for us in the trials? But that seems SO hard!!
How could we possibly do it?? Is it possible for us not to stumble in our words?
I'd like to hear what you think... PLEASE!!
In the next post... (after I get your answers) ... HOW TO DEAL WITH FOOT-IN-MOUTH DISEASE!!
PS. I need to add a bit more....
James doesn't seem to give us much hope for our tongues. He goes on to tell what the tongue is....
(read the passage) ...
** a little member with great boasts;
** a fire, a world of iniquity;
** an unruly evil, full of deadly poison;
** a source of both blessing and cursing.
So is there hope for any of us??
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