All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The story is told of a woman who during the war went to live with her husband in camp on the Mojave Desert.

She simply hated the place; the heat was almost unbearable, 125 degrees in the shade, the wind blew incessantly, and there was sand - sand everywhere.

Finally, in desperation she wrote her parents in Ohio that she couldn't stand it another minute and was coming home.

Quickly came the reply by airmail from her father - just the two familiar lines:

"Two men looked out from prison bars … one saw the mud, the other saw stars."

The daughter did some real thinking, not only with the intellect but also with her heart. She decided to stick to her post.

She made friends with the natives, learned to love the country, and eventually wrote a book about it.

The desert hadn't changed, but her attitude had. Because she listened with her heart to the words her father sent, a whole New World opened up to her.



“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

We tend to stubbornly hold on to our attitudes. They become habits. We learn to justify them. We have reasons and excuses for them. You can choose to give up all of your reasons and excuses. Just give them up. Would you rather have your reasons and excuses, or would you rather get results?

We are constantly asking ourselves questions. Most of the time this is not a very conscious process. For example, something bad happens and we ask ourselves, "Why me?" Our minds start to find answers to that question, effectively building a case for why bad things happen to us, leading to a bad attitude, leading to more bad things happening. Make a list of the most empowering questions you can think of, and ask those instead. The possibilities are infinite. Here are a few to get you started: 

1) How can I turn this problem into an opportunity?, 

2) What would I do if I was already very successful?, 

3) Who do I need to be to achieve my dream?, 

4) What would my future (successful) self do?

Change your attitude and you automatically change:

1. your perspective

2. the way you interpret things

3. the decisions you make

4. the actions you take

5. the results you get

Changing your attitude can get you there more quickly, but it can also get you there in style, enjoying the ride more fully. This Short Cut is for everyone, because even if you have a great attitude already, it could always be better. It doesn't matter if you have a little goal or a massive dream, a small annoyance or a huge problem, shifting your attitude will help, and it might just radically transform your situation.

People tend to think of an attitude as being simply positive or negative. However, there are infinite possibilities such as: warm, friendly, confident, determined, unstoppable, silly, playful, easy-going, outrageous, peaceful, open-minded, compassionate, optimistic, and all of their negative counterparts. You can ultimately become very creative and experiment with different attitudes for different situations, which will lead you to being more powerful and effective.


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Comment by Tikkie on July 27, 2011 at 8:38am
A really Positive message.We all need it in our lives.I am praying for you.May GOD Bless you, your family and your Ministry and Guide you for HIS GLORY
Comment by journeyman on July 26, 2011 at 10:14am
Thank you Kathleen always a shining star in the darkness! May God Bless you dear Sister. :-)
Comment by ferlyn on July 26, 2011 at 7:45am
thanks! very nice.. :)

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