All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

4,000 babies died yesterday from abortion.
4.000 babies died today from abortion.
4.000 babies will die tomorrow from abortion.

On Father's Day 4,000 more babies will die.

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Comment by Ken on June 21, 2009 at 9:09pm
Thank you Rita for your comments. I agree. It is much easier to sit behind a computer and describe what is wrong. But what are we (the Church) doing to stop abortion? That is a question I am asking God.
Comment by Rita Harrington on June 20, 2009 at 9:22pm
Well Bless God, I had to add a comment this discussion.

This discussion really goes back a few months and it was heated then. I don't want to go that far back you can if you want and check out my comments as well as some others. I am against abortion however, this top inspired me to write an ALP (term paper) on abortion call "Abortion through the eyes of God" and what I realized is this.

If Christians would stop participating in the organization and processes of abortions it would basically become extinct in the United States and in the Medical Industry.
I realize especially after doing a research paper that over half of the people assisting, organizing, and performing abortions are Christians. This literally makes me sick to my stomach and what a slap in the face.

Some of these people are active in there local assemblies and are in leadership positions. I’m disappointment at what there doing but, I still love them and I keep loving them, praying for them and, ministering to them. There getting stronger and the ones that didn’t have any conviction or relationship with the Lord are changing. So, what am I saying?

We have to stop doing all this talking and no action stuff. It's easy to sit behind a computer and type whatever YOU feel inspired to say. But, who is out there trying to change this according to the word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Who?

Who would dare to tell there employer this “I am a Christian I/we don’t believe in abortions. It is again my faith and moral conscience to provide information or assist in anything pertaining to abortions”. There are Constitutional laws that protect you (In the State of Illinois abortion Law of 1978 just to name one of many) check out the laws in your State if this is you.

Love you all,

Comment by Ken on June 17, 2009 at 7:46am
Thank you Catherine. I know I am ruffling feathers by my postings. It just boggles my mind that a person can believe that abortion is murder and in the same breath say they wouldn't counsel someone against having an abortion. I would never come down or judge a woman for having an abortion. It breaks my heart. But it is what it is. Just because it is legal doesn't make it right! Forgiveness is available for anyone who is willing to repent and humbly come to Jesus. Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's standard of perfection. Abortion is no worse than any other sin in the eyes of God. But abortion is the taking of a human life.

Your comment really blessed me. Thank you again. Sometimes I do feel like I am being attacked from all sides.
Comment by Catherine Crossland on June 17, 2009 at 12:33am
You are doing a great job and I honour you for your stance.
Comment by Ken on June 16, 2009 at 7:56pm
I do appreciate all the comments that have been made to my blogs. I have picketed abortion mills and I have prayed with sisters who have try to counsel women seeking abortion. I try and talk to the boyfriend or male escort when I can. My favorite verse is, and always has been, Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done? [Proverbs 24:10-12].

I just stumbled on this site:

I also recommend the book, A Time to Kill by Rev. Michael Bray for a biblical solution to abortion. Warning. It may offend many.
Comment by Catherine Crossland on June 16, 2009 at 7:25pm
Ken. I just realised that your beef is mainly about the LEGALITY of abortion and how that legality is the vehicle for so many abortions. I whole-heartedly agree with you. Such a bill was just passed in Australia as well........and the Prime Minister who allowed it all proclaims to be a Christian (now I know that he is supposed to speak for wishes for the majority but when a majority is assumed, is it a majority - there was no referendum to assess the majority opinion). Keep up with the good fight the majority of which I am sure is waged on your knees - God is able to turn public opinion and the laws of a nation.
Comment by Catherine Crossland on June 16, 2009 at 7:18pm
I understand PERFECTLY what you are saying Charles. A man can find himself in a potentially compromising situation when he takes it upon himself to counsel women. I am a Christian Counsellor and I WILL NOT counsel a man on my own. What I will do is refer him to a man that I trust to counsel him. Some women deciding for abortion are in a fragile position and at the mercy of those who are 'counselling' them to kill their babies. I too have heard of many women who have had abortions that have never been able to forget the baby they killed..........a woman is much more connected to an unborn that the father of it............. What I think we need to do is not go you said Charles and I paraphrase as I'm only speaking from memory, that not every woman who is going through abortion is 'evil', a lot of women simply find themselves in a situation about which they receive unwise counsel...........some are not allowed their own minds........some have minds that are caught up in the moment (getting rid of the evidence of their folly)........only God knows and that is why prayer is soooooooooo powerful. My counsel would be that this little one (regardless of how he/she was conceived) has a purpose for existence................think of some of the great leaders of the world and what the world would have lost had they not been allowed to claim their many such people are being murdered everyday. There are countless people who will take these babies and raise them to claim their destiny........but there is a minority (I hope it's a minority) who are self-seeking, irresponsible people who will pass the death sentence on their offspring to save themselves from whatever that unborn presents to their lives. Ken, I thank you for raising this issue, but please take a few minutes to consider what Charles is saying..............and I think you will be in agreement............Charles never said that he would counsel a woman to HAVE an abortion...he simply said that he as a MAN would be hard-pressed to counsel a woman about abortion.........SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS A MAN...........and the response could easily be 'how dare you counsel me to keep my baby....what would you - a man - know about how I feel'....that same response would never occur if he were a woman. Please understand this. We are ALL on the same page. Let's get our minds back on the necessity for us to 'stand in the gap' for these woman and their babies................the enemy is RAMPANT.........but our God is ALMIGHTY.
Comment by Ken on June 16, 2009 at 4:15pm
Okay Charles. Like you I tend to get over zealous. And I apologize for taking you out of context. I do agree that the ultimate answer to the abortion issue is a relationship with Jesus Christ and a compassionate heart and ear from other Christians. In my passion I sometimes forget that. So, let's move on, shall we. I imagine you will read other blogs from me that you will disagree with. I welcome comments so perhaps I can better learn and understand.
God bless you, and I mean sincerely as well
Comment by Ken on June 16, 2009 at 3:08pm
You said you believe that abortion is murder. In a previous paragraph you said would be hard pressed to try to counsel these women at abortion clinics to not have an abortion for several reasons. I believe that women who have abortions are as much a victim as their unborn babies. They are being sold a bill of goods that abortion is a quick fix to a serious situation. But I would NEVER counsel a woman to have an abortion. Period. If abortion is murder then it is wrong. To say that taking the life of an innocent baby is the appropriate answer to a pregnant woman's particular situation is NOT the answer.
Comment by Ken on June 16, 2009 at 8:58am
If a woman was standing on the top of a building about to throw her newborn baby over the edge would you try to stop her? Would you tell yourself, as you did in your comments, "I am a man and I have no idea what may be going on in the mind of these young (or not so young) women. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have a child coming without any support structure in place for them and the baby. Women are, obviously better equipped to counsel because they can potentially be faced with this situation." Is that how you would justify the actions of a woman who is about to throw her newborn baby off the top of a building? Why not; her situation has not changed. The only difference is she chose to kill her baby AFTER it has been born instead of BEFORE it is born."

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