All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

What a way to start off a series about the most powerful verses in the Bible, huh? We sure didn't have to look very far! I am not posting these verses in any semblance of order; I just found it appropriate to start at the beginning. This verse is very dear to me because it debunks several major theological and scientific questions right off the bat. Since we believe the Bible to be God's perfect word and His absolute truth, we can be assured that it was He indeed that created the earth and all of its inhabitants! What a blessing to know that all of the debates and arguments can be silenced with just one sentence! Sure, skeptics will continue to undermine the significance and reality of the verse, but we Christians should never fall into those ranks. O, praise be to the almighty God of Creation, who maks everything glorious and will make all things new! And rejoice! Creation is not over with yet! God is a God of new seeds sprouting, new children being knitted in mothers' wombs, new opportunities revealing themselves, new lessons to be learned, and new blessings to receive. Genesis 1:1 is not just a recorded fact of history, it is a reassurance for a fulfilled present and a bright future created especially for us by our Lord. Praise be unto Him for being a God of justice, grace, love, beauty, and hope.

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