All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


There are many branches of mathematics which study numbers, and shapes. When applied, math’s intent is to formulate and establish truth by deduction. Simply put a person can find a solution to a problem. Since pre-school we were taught 1+1=2. Well, I’m here to inform you God’s math does not equate to the logic of man’s definition. One plus one equals three!


There are several occasions where God’s unnatural math superseded the rational of man. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, where three men that were thrown in a fiery furnace while an astounded King Nebuchadnezzar stood in haste; "was it not three men casted into the midst of the fire?" God’s supernatural allowed Nebchadnezzar to see four men loosed. Daniel 3:1-30 Jesus also told his disciples where two or three have gathered together in my name I am there.

Today, we allow our ego to hinder God’s miracles. We sum up problems by drawing our own conclusions by Edging God Out, we seek advice from strangers hoping their theory is the absolute value of a complex situation; evaluate problems and come up with our own conclusions; we diametrically oppose everything Christ encourages us to do which is come to Him with our problems. God is knocking but until we in allow him to enter he will always be on the outside. Find a course of action to apply God’s arithmetic instead of your math. God’s infinite wisdom is a far greater mass than we can ever imagine: one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day to God! 2 Peter 3:8

By removing ego, submitting your all and joining the greatest common factor – God this will allow him to work through you. The return on such an investment will increase the dividends of life, happiness, joy, peace, love and your relationship with God. They will add up to insurmountable blessings!

Tigner Rand

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