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What do you really know about the Resurrection???

I come to you Father God in the mighty name of Jesus,Praying for ears to be opened and eyes to be seeing, let the hearers put on the mind of Christ as this message is brought forth,Let it be of you Lord and let the Spirit be of you not me God,Amen!!! As you read the Gospel of John 19:31You find that this was the preparation day first you must know what that day was when you go over to Exodus 12:16 you are able to know that these were Five Laws concerning the Seventh Day
1. Have a holy convocation on the seventh day of the feast (Exodus 12:16; Exodus 32:5; Numbers 28:25).
2. Make the seventh day a feast to the Lord (Exodus 13:6).
3. Gather no manna (Exodus 16:29).
4. Rest (Exodus 16:30; Exodus 34:21).
5. It is a sabbath for Israel only—in the land and under the law (Exodus 20:10; Exodus 31:15; Leviticus 23:3; Deut. 5:15).
Which lead you the fiftenth day of april the day after the passover.Go over to Lev.23:6-14.okay now you have an ideal what is going on go to Matthew 12:40 This indicates that Jonah was dead for three days and three nights and was resurrected as a true type of Christ if this is not the case,then he could not be a true sign of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Nothing is said about Jonah being perserved alive in the belly of the fish it would be just as easy to believe one as the other. Christ was dead for three full days and three full nights.He was put in the grave wednesday just before sunset and was resurrected at the end of saturday at sunset. good friday should be changed to good wednesday.
No statement says that He was buried on friday at sunset this would make Him in the grave only one day and one night proving His own words untrue the sabbath of John 19:31 was not the regular weekly one byt the special sabbath of the feast.Luke 9:22comp. as you read Zech. 12:10 13:6 Exodus 12:46 you see that this was a prophecy unto the Jews,John 19:28 Psalms 69:21. The Jews did not want the bodies to hang over night on the cross But it was Roman custom to let them hang on crosses as a warning for criminals.Jewish law forbade bodies hung on a tree to remain there overnight Deut. 21:22-23,F.Y.I. By pressing their weight on their legs,victims could ease some of the pressure on their arms and chests,making breathing easier,But once the legs were broken,this relief was no longer possible death by suffocation and shock would come quickly. From the beginning of this gospel the ministry of Jesus has been pictured in terms of the passover Lamb1:29;6:4 one of the requirements was that their bones should not be broken
In His Service
Pastor Robert

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