All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Over Christmas as I walked the beach alone it was awesome just to be alone on a deserted beach with the Lord
I asked him what is ahead this year and I believe he showed me the following
He showed me and spoke You will see the one world order coming into place yes the peace is coming the false one and other things all falling into place steadily
I felt such perfect peace and he said You are to watch and observe be not afraid as you see all these things beginning to happen You will be bold for me stand your ground for me witness for me the wicked one cannot touch you, you are mine tell my people you belong to me I have bought you with a price as I bought all the plagues on Egypt and bought my children out by my right arm and visited all the horrors on the Egypt so I will be with you I will watch over you protect you and keep you You are not to fear those things coming on the earth I fed my people then I can do whatever I want I am always in charge
I never fail You are to stand tall in me
Wait on me keep your lamps burning bright
Watch and observe the world leaders just because they say they are born again watch the fruit by their fruit over time you will know remember if possible even the elect will be deceived by the enemy
But most of all it was walk in me walk in my peace over and over and fear not fear nothing

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Comment by David Velasquez on January 4, 2010 at 6:41pm
Thanks for sharing beloved - good word, good word!

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