All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

It's a good job our God is forgiving. I've made a mess of the last couple of months of my life. I got moved to Atlanta by the company I work for - actually it was a condition of the job. I left behind my friends, family and church... and I lost track of where I should be.

I spent an hour crying my heart out on a rock in early December, because I was upset, and even to an extent ANGRY with God. I definitely felt He'd opened all the doors to get me to this place, and then it felt like I'd been abandoned. That and I was alone, without friends, and without 'someone to go home to at night' as my Mom said when talking to her brother. It really hit home then, that more than anything, I was desperate to meet the person God intended me to spend the rest of my life with.

Fast forward thru December, Christmas, and the New Year festivities:

The end result was last Saturday, everything I'd done came crashing down, and I hurt 2 people who I care about. One, not a Christian, actually behaved more like a Christian than I ever could have expected... even forgave me and we're still friends.

I know I sinned, and I've prayed for forgiveness for those sins, and I accept that God has forgiven me. I'm still struggling with all my other thoughts though.

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