All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

So often I stumble and tumble with the devil and his deception. I have scriptures that I cling to for these moments. What amazes me most is not just that God shows such mercy, but that His mercy is new EVERY morning. So no matter how much today does not go as planned I have tomorrow to begin again. For scripture says ""The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end.They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness O God!" (Lamentations 3:22-23) I am ever grateful that God knows my heart. That He is aware of my deepest desires to please Him; even when I do the opposite.

Since coming to a place of fellowship with our Lord I cannot imagine how I ever survived without knowing Him as I do now. Oh, I believe fully that it was His grace that got me by; even when I was not asking. For He has plans for me and this life He has blessed me with. I have grown in ways that I never knew it was possible to grow in. God has been so good to me. Yes, I count it all joy, as we were told to do. The harder, colder times are the ones that make us exercise our faith and trust that God will "work all things towards the good."

One of the most amazing aspects upon looking back is just how often God saved me; and how often I took it for granted, never knowing it was Him. I know that He did it for His glory and honor, but it still means so much. Just to know that He saved me "for such a day as this." I can only hope that I continue to grow and learn in my faith. To understand exactly how to apply God's word to my life.

May He bless you all beyond your wildest imaginations.

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