All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

well, here i am in las vegas, nv. home of all that is sinful and evil. i was sitting at a stop light today when i saw a lady with a sign that read "share the kindness". i could tell by looking at her that she was not in good shape. her clothers just hung on her and she looked dirty. i really wanted to help her, but a friend of mine told me that when i moved here the thing to be careful of is bums. they are everywhere. and they are. but inside i started to feel this struggle. i know that we are commanded to help those who have less than we do, but what if they use any money i give them for drugs or gambeling? i can hear the scripure in my head "i was hungry and you did not feed me. i was naked and you did not clothe me." what do i do? if i were to give every one of these people $5 i would have nothing left. i pains me to see people suffer and i really want to help. there are just so many of them! every store i go into or out of, there is someone looking for a 'handout". i just don't know what to do.

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Comment by AAG Netguy on January 15, 2008 at 9:35am

Living in the Philippines, we encountered this kind of situation often in dealing with truly poor people. Some experienced Christians gave us this advice when we were new in the country.

1. Instead of giving money, keep a supply of small food items on hand (maybe in your car) to give those who ask.

2. Maybe there is some kind of "gift card" you can have on hand (to a grocery store?), but may not work if they sell liquor in the grocery stores.

3. Set aside part of your income every month to give to the poor as part of your tithe to the Lord.

4. Remember that you can't help everyone, but you can help some. Don't let Satan put false guilt on you for not helping everyone.

5. After you've spent your "budget" for the month, just tell people you have nothing more to give them financially, but you can share Christ with them.

6. Carry some gospel tracts with you so that when you give something material in Jesus name, you can also share the gospel with them.

7. Research and find out what social services are available in your area to help them, whether they be church-based or government. You can refer people to them.

Remember, people have to want to help themselves too. You can't do everything for them, but you can do what you can.

Hope this helps.

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