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What does this mean? i have plenty of scripture to give but i will try and make it minuium.1Thess.5:19 Eph.4:30 Isa.1:24.There are more, but we will work with who the Holy Spirit is. He is the third person in the Trinity.He was in the beginning when God said let there be light etc. He was there when God said Let Us.Gen.1:26 ps.139:7 He was there in Gen.1:2&6:3 Isa.63:7-10 11:2
He is a person, He has feelings emotions Acts.5:9
Is the Spirit of truth.Jn.14:17
Strengthns inner man. Eph.3:16
Can be blasphmed Mt.12:31-33 Heb.10:29
Can be grieved Deut.7:15 Isa.1:14
To quench the Holy Spirit means to resist His influence,It's like trying to put out a fire.One of the fundamental rules of walking with God is that we should not say no to the Spirit of God.The Holy Spirit of God should never be pushed away,ignored,or rejected. If we would remember that the one who live's in us, is God's own Spirit we would be much more selective about what we think,read,watch and say,do. Etc.Note that Paul the Apostle is warning even those who are sealed by the Holy Spirit your thought's that maybe evil... The way you act is it Tempting,The way you dress.Are you dressing to be stressed or blessed? How are you perceived by the outside world? Are you in the dark as the gentiles 5:11 Eph. vain in mind,Dark in understanding Alien to God's life,Ignorant of God,Blind in Heart,Eph.4:17-18. past feeling, lustful unclean,(Homosexual,Lesbianism)Greedy.

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Comment by Pastor _rob on October 3, 2008 at 1:03am
Amen Amen Amen Brother
Comment by Pastor Bob B on October 2, 2008 at 4:46am
I got to teach on Penticost in our adult Sunday School last week and I loved it. You see I was born again in an independant, fundamentalist, King James only, 1rst and 3rd verse kind of church that some how just blew the Holy Spirit off. To us He was a mirror reflecting Jesus to us and that was all. I was defeated as a Christian and never could measure up to what this legalistic church taught, yeh I cut my long hair and went to church and memorized scripture and even wittnessed to other, but it was all in my own effort. 4 years later after being horribly back slidden, I was baptized in the holy Spirit. I was set free from smoking, alcohal and drugs and a perverse mind. That was almost 30 years ago. Wow and I still have not come to know Holy Spirit fully, He is beyond finding out of the riches of glory of all that he is.

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