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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The gateway to a renewed mind and a sanctified imagination, begins when we start using the form of meditation and use of our imagination in the childlike ways God intended. This is the key to seeing in the Spirit and moving in the demonstration of the Spirit by understanding the language of God. He speaks in many different ways but the inward Kingdom’s tuning is the key to understanding the heart of God all around you. Inward to outward. Depth to heights. Romans 12 calls us to the “renewing of our minds so that we can prove what is the perfect will of God.” Ephesians 4:23 says, “be renewed in the Spirit of your MIND.” As we begin to use our minds for the purposes and love of God, we will be like Hebrews 5:14 which says, “But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of USE have their SENSES EXERCISED, to discern both good and evil.” When we use all of our mind and spiritual senses, we grow and grow from “glory to glory”, to know and demonstrate the Kingdom of God. Jesus told Nicodemous in John 3 that one must be born again to see into the Kingdom of God. We need eyes to see into the heavenly realms, so we can be like Jesus and live from Heaven to earth. The Kingdom of God is not of this world and so we need to live on heavenly things and not earthly things. This of course means that natural man may not like the deep things of the Lord as they appear foolish and way to immature (childlike) to him. But 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 clearly relays the truth of walking in the Spirit and not n the things of the world or earthly things. Jesus thanked His Father that He hid things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little babes. This revealed the simplicity of the Kingdom and the nature of His will to bring Heaven to earth. Simple in that there is no sickness in heaven, no disease there, no broken bones, no confusion, no hatred, and thus when we demonstrate the Kingdom it should be done on earth. The key is now living from the revelation and going deeper into our relationship with Jesus and seeing the way He see’s and living from Heaven to earth. Ephesians says that we HAVE BEEN raised up and made to sit which Christ in the heavenly places. Colossians 3:1-3 says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those THINGS which are ABOVE, where Christ IS sitting at the right hand of God. Set your MIND on THINGS ABOVE not on things of the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ IN God.” As a believer you are LITERALLY seated in heavenly places with God. We need to move from reading scripture as words, to faith in the words of truth that bring us to experience what has been said of us. This is why Nicodemous could not understand heavenly things because his mind was set on earthly things. We have too many earthly Christians waiting to go to heaven when they die, when they are supposed to live in and from Heaven NOW, to bring heaven to earth and do the will of the Father. Now we are talking the realm of God, the supernatural realm the world does not understand. If we wait to see the Kingdom when we die, we have made death our saviour and not Christ. Think about that truth for a while. It is time we live in our inheritance as sons of the light and believe that what Christ did on the cross is enough. Now onto understanding and experiencing the language of the Spirit. We need to meditate on the Scriptures and the encounters it talks about an enter into them by faith. Visuliazation with the full use of your imagination is what will lead you into encounters. The “eyes of your heart” are the inner eyes that see the unseen realm. When you look within, where God says, “the Kingdom is within you”, you begin to see where Christ dwells in your heart by FAITH, and see the things He see’s. Again where is He seated? Heavenly places at the right hand of the Father. Where does Christ dwell? Within You. This is one of the greatest mysteries of God. Him living within you. As we look within the eyes of our heart begin to manifest Christ and what He is doing in and through you to bring the Kingdom out. That is why we need to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) because we leak it out when we do His will. This would be the next phase to understand ABIDING in Christ as we then have a never-ending supply and union with Him, but many of us go in and out of the Spirit, which is why Paul called us to walk in the Spirit always. Anyways, in order to that we need to know what the Spirit is saying to us and the churches which is why we are teaching on the realm of understanding the language of the Spirit. Stay with me. So the mind’s eye is the inner eyes that ones see’s within. We have all had daydreams which is using the minds eyes. Dreams and Vision are using the minds eye. Most people think of visions as “open vision” in front of you, which are real, but the majority of visions are within. The inward parts working with the Spirit to show us the deep mysteries of Christ. When you begin to use your imagination the way it was supposed to, you begin to let God use you to go beyond natural ways of thinking. Outside the box thinking should be the norm in Christianity as God’s thoughts are above all. Too often, because of fear or unbelief, the church as missed this realm and lived in mindset’s of earthly thinking and not the mind of Christ. By the way the bible is clear that as believers we have the mind of Christ. Do you believe that? Faith gets what it believes in. The reality of the power of thought and imagination is already being discovered by science as the most powerful power in the world. Why would satan want to keep people from the power of thought and imagination? Because then Christians would actually hear clearly from God and demonstrate with Power the glory of Christ and His Kingdom. This is the same reason he doesn’t want to full gospel of signs and wonders preached, because it would destroy his ploy to keep the church powerless. But thank God for His raising up a company of people who are volunteers on His day of Power (psalm 110:3) and hunger for Him alone and as that happens, signs and wonders flow naturally. By the way , faith that doesn’t believe in the power Gospel of God, usually gets what it believes, a powerless gospel. It takes the THOUGHTS of the THINGS of God and faith to manifest things out of this world. His world. When you live from the earthly realm you put self-limiting beliefs on your life and you fail to enter into the promises of God because of your worldview. Sadly many of us have been raised in homes of unbelief in the supernatural realm, or unseen realm that the Apostle Paul said was more real then the natural.
Often where the King James translators give us the words “heart” and mind”, the actual translation of the Greek or Hewbres word is much closer to the English word,”imagination.” Matthew 23:37 sates, Jesus said to him,””You shall love the Lord your God with all your HEART, with all your soul, and with all your MIND.” The Greek word for “mind” in this verse is diona, and it clearly means, “imagination.” God wants you to love Him completely with all your imagination. And think about this, Ephesians 3:20 says that God wants to do beyond what you ask or THINK. WOW! This means are imagination actually falls short of what He intends to do through us and for us and ultimately for Him. Paul said in Philippians 4:8 to mediate on excellent things. The Greek word for meditation is meletao and it also means “to imagine” When you meditate on the THINGS ABOVE, which are the things of the Lord and Heaven you will actually begin to manifest them on the earth. Your imagination should rule your heart in your thoughts and love for the Lord. Now on to the fun part. This will build off of what Jesus said to Nicodemous in John 3. Elsewhere Jesus said that unless you become like a child you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. It doesn’t take much common sense to see the faith of a child. Sadly many children are taught not to believe in the things of God, and are raised naturally, instead of supernaturally. We must trust and enjoy our Father with a childlike faith and heart that see’s in the Spirit the Kingdom within. I once prophesied over a person about a business plan the Lord was going to download for them. As I was speaking the Lord told me to ask him if he liked pizza. I thought to myself, that is crazy but here it goes (faith.). When I did he told me “it was born in his hand.” Which of course meant he loved it. I got this by seeing a picture of a pizza pop into my mind! The Lord cares about every little thing and that word encouraged that man to confirm the Lord’s love and plan for His life. The funny thing was that after the meeting, me and some friends went out to eat a ways away from the meeting place. We went to a pizza place and later in walked the man I prophesied over. How funny is that! We loved on each other and we got to prophecy over his wife and we all left blessed and overjoyed at the ways and language of our PAPA in heaven. God uses all that we have seen and been through and even some of our ways of thought and purifies them to be released to see in the Spirit. This is why we all have something to bring to the table as a body individually membered. My way of seeing in the Spirit may be different, but as I learn and grow in the deep things of the Lord, I am used to bring the Kingdom in others lives. But I guarantee that as you grow in this, you will see very similar if not identical things the Spirit is doing, together with other people. So this is a key to begin to see into the Spirit and the Kingdom within and co-labor with Christ to understand the deep mysteries he has for us and then release them onto the earth. It is fun and the only way to grow is to practice and abide in Christ as you will intuitively know the way the Holy Spirit moves and guides you into all truth. Vision’s, Dreams, and Encounters with the Lord are so easy if we will just open are selves up to believe the way He speaks. And please trust God’s ability and want to speak to you, above the ability of the enemy to deceive you. God has all power and authority and you are in Him, so you are safe to step out and experiment in “FAITH”. So meditate on His presence and imagine the dreams and promises He has for you until they become so real that your faith becomes substance of things hoped for, (Hebrews 11;1) Use your imagination to love the Lord with everything you have and buckle your seatbelt because what He wants to show you is so out of this world and into His, or shall I say OURS as sons and daughters of God, that it will truly go beyond what you ask or think.(Ephesians 3:20) And when you pray for the sick and others, begin to imagine by faith the power of God being released through your hands and mouth, and as you grow in this, you will love the authority you walk in as you demonstrate the power of the Spirit like Paul.(1 cor 2:4) For the Kingdom of God is not in talk but in power. Be loved and be blessed and know that all this revelation only flows best with either a hunger for all of Jesus and a relationship with Him that loves Him and longs to fulfill His desire for Heaven to fill the earth.

2 Corinthians 2:7 but we speak the wisdom of God in mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory…Thank you PAPA GOD!

Philippians 3:15 Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.

Joel 2:28-29

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