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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

__Although this applies to a time In Israel’s history, I have adopted Joel 2:25 & 26 as what God continues to do to restore my life to me. “And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I have sent among you. And you shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt WONDEROUSLY with you: and my people should never be ashamed.”

A young man who submits news items to a site I was on, emailed me and asked if everything was O.K. He was concerned because I hadn’t submitted anything for awhile. If I try to write when I am not inspired, the item is flat. So I wait for the right time. What is happening is that God is restoring the life I should have had but didn’t come anywhere near it.

I was telling my oldest daughter some stories from my life. She suggested I put them on tape. Some were funny after I thought them over; some were very serious. I began to write my memoirs to give as many as I could to my six children for Christmas. Of course including what God has done for me. It will be part of my legacy to them as I have nothing else to give them. This is in note book form so I can add to it when I think of things in my life. I add funny clip art to make it easier for them to read instead of plain writing. They don’t have time to read a lot. And humor helps! I learned to laugh at what used to upset me no end!

Some time ago I wrote “Your Old men shall Dream Dreams” where God promised to heal me completely, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Physically, I can see better, walk without pain in my foot, and can swallow food without choking. That was all healed. The other three were greatly helped by a special friend. If God didn’t do any more, I would have been contented. I wrote a follow-up “God Keeps His Promises”. Now He is working on my mental and spiritual misconceptions I had on just about everything. He doesn’t quit.

But that wasn’t enough---God doesn’t just stop at mediocrity. He strives for perfection. It will never completely happen until we go home to be with Him forever. Hebrews 4:12, His two edged sword is “piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Why is such a powerful God so concerned for one of His worthless creatures who felt like a failure and never accomplished much in 71 years, almost 72? Why isn’t He more concerned with the chaos this entire world is in? Because He created me in His image and He loves me, just as much as He loves every one of you. He works with individuals who wish to follow Jesus and can make a difference with one person at a time. God is just as pleased with us when we can lead one person to Jesus as He is with a well known preacher who leads 1000’s.

God uses everyone who is willing---people like me who have let their life get so messed up and almost impossible to straighten out and those with special gifts who can help the weaker vessels find their way. He uses our failures and makes successes out of them. He makes us worthy to be called His children. Nothing we can do by ourselves.

Now to what God is doing for me now to continue His work. I have one special friend who has become a steadying force in my life. As much as my mind had been messed up and may tend to stray once in awhile, he catches the danger before I do. He is not afraid to warn me when he sees I may get off the path. I listen to him because I know he does not tell me to be judgmental or critical but because he cares enough to try to keep me from falling into more traps. He keeps my mind on Jesus.

I always wanted to be in charge of my own life. I thought I had to “DO” something to MAKE things happen. I didn’t need help. I find when I quit my struggling and let God take over, everything is falling into place without much effort on my part! I am never ceased to be amazed.

GOD IS RESTORING THE YEARS THAT THE LOCUST HAS EATEN!” He is taking me on a sentimental journey back to my childhood. Showing me things I missed before. Reuniting me with people who knew me when. Also taking me back to places I once traveled, either in person or by email! It doesn’t stop.

For an example: Just a couple days ago, my daughter took me to see my grand daughter’s new house. It was in an area where I spent many happy moments. I had just forgot them and concentrated on the bad things. My cousin and I used to take a bus or a TRAIN (Yes, I said a train) to see a movie or go shopping. They had some nice stores then. Now it’s almost like a ghost town. Not too much that I remember. The signs were there; like Isaly’s who had the best BBQ’s; Murphy’s 5 & 10---long gone down the pike.

I like to read good clean, light novels with a Christian background or about everyday lives without the garbage that is put out today. It relaxes my mind after a lot of heavy thinking. In one book, the story took place in a fictional little area, not far from Asheville North Carolina. I had lived there for awhile. As the story progressed, Grove Park inn was mentioned. I worked there for a short time as a dishwasher. More familiar places were named. Wow! I could get into the story. Since I knew the area personally, I felt I also knew the make believe people.

In the back of the book was an email address for the author. I wrote to her. Surprise! She answered. She gave me a run down of all the changes that have been made since I lived there in 1976-1978. I had good times there and I had bad ones but God let me go back by way of cyber space. I remember the good and appreciate it more! The area was beautiful and I met a lot of nice people. One in particular, was a big influence in my life. I will tell this story and close this article.

I was laid off my job. I badly needed another. I applied at Woolworth’s Harvest House for a waitress job. My interviewer said she would call me. I wasn’t aware of the ways of the world. I believed her. No call came so I went back again two more times. She looked at me kind of funny but she hired me.

I had a hard time learning the job. I had no choice but to stick with it. Two and a half years later I quit to go back to Pennsylvania. She said an amazing thing. “Joan, when you came in asking for a job, I said to myself ‘No way’. You were so pitiful looking, I was afraid you would hurt my business. But God said to her: ‘Whatever you do for the least of my people, this I will do unto you.’ I had to obey. Now you have become a blessing!” Don’t ever think that one kind word or deed can’t make a difference in a person’s life. You may never know just how much it does.

I know my mouth dropped open. I never knew before that she felt that way. My hair was a mess. I couldn’t afford to get it fixed and I didn’t know the first thing about how to fix my own hair. My clothes had a lot to be desired. My personality was nil. I didn’t even realize just how tacky I was. (I’m still not anybody’s fashion plate! I am just my own individual self and I like it.) My mind was in a fog.

Because she obeyed God, my life, even then, had begun to change. Quite a few years ago! I had a long way to go. She and the boss over her were both good Christians. She gave me a box of Gospel gems Promise Box in 1977. I still have them. When I would read one and it had a special meaning in my life, I would mark the date and the incident. The cards are well worn but precious to me. They tell of my life as I went.

Knowing her, I am reminded often of the love and mercy of God. Those many years ago, someone believed in me---not what I was but what I could become although she didn’t know it at the time. It was all because she obeyed God. I did contact her once to let her know how much my life was changing because she gave me a chance.

It is hard for me to believe God loves me! He is showing me more of the good things that I didn’t remember while I was concentrating on the bad. It is amazing how He works. I hope you can apply some things I am saying to your lives.

May God bless you as He has been blessing me all along though I wasn’t always aware of it. Thanksgiving is always in order. Count your blessings; name them one by one.”

A few years later:

I have to say that God is restoring the real me to the one I thought I was---worthless and unloved. Some of these adventures have to be written at a later date. Right now I have to catch up with all the amazing things God is doing in my life. May He do the same for you.

Love, your sister in Christ, Joan

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