All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Heavenly Father I come before you today asking you to first forgive our indifference and un concern for those in need of prayer and counseling. Some times we get so caught up in our own little world …

Heavenly Father I come before you today asking you to first forgive our indifference and un concern for those in need of prayer and counseling. Some times we get so caught up in our own little world , that we can not see the need of others, maybe feel that we are so unqualified to help that we just say we will leave it in your hands..
Help us to remember that we are your hands and feet. Some time we are so busy preaching on the internet that we cannot hear your call to hurting humanity. Father forgive our being so social that we no heavenly good. Remove from our hearts and minds all the things that will hinder us from serving Amen

And to all you who have posted on the internet your trials and problems. I have read each one a and have been in prayer but forgive my having not taken time to talk to you about them. If you w2nat to talk to me personally write to me at Please feel free to share with me anytime I will help in any w ay I can, I have been in the ministry for 40 years and helped many people. I pray that god will richly bless each one according to his riches in glory, and answer all your prayers. Most of all I Pray that you have found Jesus as your personal saviour and if not I can help you find him too, until you do you will not have rest and peace over any problem, take if from one who has been there. See this page

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Comment by Sharon Mbatha on August 10, 2011 at 1:59am

Hi Earl


Thanks for reminding us that we are not on this earth for ourselves but we are His hands and feet and to some people we might be the only "Jesus" they will ever see.

Father,help us to be approachable and always ready to lend a helping hand.

Help us to be sensitive to the needs of other before our own.

That should be our daily prayer,i pray that we draw closer to you as you lead us to those hurting,those jailed,those with broken hearts and those who dont see any hope.

Father there is so much that needs to be done,send out your labourers.


I do apologise Earl for using your blog as a prayer medium but i hope those who read have been inspired like i have.




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