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13 True Miracle Testimonies. This Is One Of The Storys From My Book That Happen To Me.


Miracles still happen today. This is a true storie of my life, and I thank God for being there when I needed Him the most. My name is Albert but every one calls me Ace.

This is one of the first miracles that ever happened to me, in the year 1967. I had died by being electrocuted and God brought me back to life, in the Bahamas, when I was only 15 years old at the time.

we were living in a two-story house on Mackie Street in Nassau. My father had just punished me and I was sent upstairs to my room, where I decided to sneak out. It was raining that day, so I climbed out my window onto the roof, and I threw my shoes down to the ground below. I grabbed onto a pipe where the electric lines came into the house. I had done this many times before and nothing ever happened. This particular day, I thought nothing of climbing down off the house like I had always done before.

As soon as my foot touched the concrete railing around our porch, one of my hands became stuck to the electric pole. I knew that I could not get away, so I reached up with my other hand, hoping to pry myself loose but then both of my hands became stuck. I remembered my mother telling me, whenever I was in trouble, to cry out to God and and He would be there. I felt my spirit leaving my body, and that is when I cried out to God. So much electricity was going through my body at that particular time and I could not stand it any longer so I passed out thinking that this was the end.

The distance from the rail to the ground was at least six feet and when I came to, I was lying on my back with my two hands crossed over my heart. I felt the vibration of my heart beating on my two hands, that is when I knew that I was still alive. I had no burns on my hands or scratches or bruises on my back and I knew that God had sent an angel to get me off of the electric pole and today I am still living, I am over 59 years old, this is why I am a believer to day. God is with you all wayes, even unto the and of the world. That is his word.

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Comment by albert culmer on July 19, 2012 at 8:39am

Hi Rita Awesome testimony!  We need to have more testimonies like yours. My wife, her name is Terry, also works for the post office. She has been a clerk for 28 years at the main office in Jacksonville. One day, a program came on and it was showing me how to do the Heimlich maneuver. I did not want to sit down to watch it, because it was not interesting to me. I got up and started walking around and the Holy Spirit told me to sit down and watch it. I still didn't pay much attention to it, subconsciously I received more info than I thought I had. About a week later, my son came out to the living room where I was watching TV, and he told me that his mom was leaning over the sink choking on something and she had already turned blue. She was at the stage of passing out because of lack of oxygen. Then I knew why the Holy Spirit wanted me to watch that program. I grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up and leaned her on my chest. I did the Heimlich maneuver and nothing happened. The holy Spirit told me to do it again a little harder and when I did it the second time, a Whoppers chocolate candy popped out so hard and fast that it hit the bathroom mirror and it sounded like it broke the mirror but it didn't. That day, I could have lost my wife, but now I know even more how important it is to listen when the Holy Spirit speaks. I just wanted to tell you, God is always on time. You sound to me like you have a lot of stories about what God has done in your life, and I was so excited to hear your testimony. I will be putting out more testimonies from my book because God has been working in my life for 60 years. May God bless you and fill you with joy, peace, and love. Ace

Comment by Rita Cullimore on July 19, 2012 at 4:02am

Awesome testimony, Ace!

I have seen God actively working in my life many times. His miracles on my life have been plenty. I was a mail carrier with a rural route. On this particular day, as I was traveling on this particular dirt road, Holy Spirit reminded me that I hadn't prayed for my fellow workers that day...for their safety on their routes. No sooner than I prayed, a truck came down the road, at a high rate of speed...on a road hardly made for vehicles to pass. How that truck missed me,I don't know.  I will always say God made the room for it to pass me without hitting me.

Another was the day I had throat surgery. I was coming out of the effect of anesthesia and realized I couldn't draw a breath. A doctor had inserted a trach tube with too much K-Y jelly applied for insertion purposes. It was clogging my airway. I was struggling to get the attention of the nurse. She, in turn was thinking I was only hysterical. My husband stood at the door and saw my distress but couldn't help me. I called out to Jesus. Immediately my airway was clear. The nursing staff later removed my trach and realized the tube was completely clogged. I shouldn't have been able to draw one breathe let alone continue to breathe. God provided the air when there was no air!

Blessings to you, my Brother, for reminding me that there are many miracles in our lives if we only recognize them.


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