All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Closing down every satanic gates

When ever it comes to the issue of destiny, the determining factor is the foundation or background of the individual. No man is an nisland. You are a product of your family background. Each family or lineage is an entity. What we see or know, most of the time, are the members who make up the family. But unknown to most people , every family has a spiritual gate. This gate hovers around every individual member like a dark cloud. consequently, the destiny of every member of the lineage is… Continue

Added by PROPHET STANLEY NICK on June 15, 2009 at 10:32am — 1 Comment

Pursue a Better Future

God has prescribed plan for your life, an appointed purpose and destiny that He established from the beginning, which can be found in His word. God has provided a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and direction in His word to assist us in arriving at our destination. When we don't subscribe to God's plan, we postpone our progress and set ourselves up for disappointment and discouragement. As a result, we go through life constantly searching for answers to question like, " What am i here for?" and… Continue

Added by PROPHET STANLEY NICK on May 12, 2009 at 11:44am — 2 Comments

The Power of your Decision

Your decision today will determine where you will be tomorrow. Your thought controls your decision, your decision controls your character, and your character influences your DESTINATION.

"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!"

When i was a child and my friends and i wanted to choose who would play on our team during a particular game, or who would go first in a particular activity, we would point to each person as we chant a rhyme. When the rhyme ends, whoever… Continue

Added by PROPHET STANLEY NICK on May 6, 2009 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment


I demand and decree you release from every bondage, imprisonment, yoke, and every soul tie. I command you to be untied from what ever that has bond you through the efficacy of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I command walls of confinement around you to fall. I command the chains around your hands, feet, and neck to be broken and i command you to leap over walls that have resisted you all these years. I declare that your is the Lord's.

May you run through every troop in the name… Continue

Added by PROPHET STANLEY NICK on May 5, 2009 at 12:58pm — No Comments


Today is a gift from God, treasure it. It is the only time in your hand. John Ruskin had on his desk a paper-weight. carved on it was one word: Today."This is the day which the Lord has made; rejoice and be glad in it," sang King David, thus uttering words which summarise the best philosophy of Life. Life has an abundance to give us and all that can be ours on condition that we start living today, or living for today; that we give our entire attention to the work on hand, to the family,… Continue

Added by PROPHET STANLEY NICK on May 5, 2009 at 12:55pm — 1 Comment

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