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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Steven Hill's Blog (16)

Sharing Love...

I have often talked to people who say they are too scared to witness, or reach out to people that are strangers to them. They're scared to look them in the eye and invite them to church; or they're scared of what the person will think. This is all common. I've even struggled with it.


For the past few months, I've found the courage and bravery to stand up and talk to someone about Jesus. I'm no longer ashamed to say that Jesus loves them and that He's coming back. I've gotten…


Added by Steven Hill on August 15, 2011 at 3:53pm — 1 Comment

I've Come to Bless You...

This is a true story:


There was a pastor who pastored in another country. He was in his office at his church, alone, sitting at his desk. A man, that he had never seen before, walked in to his office.

The pastor stood to his feet and said, "Can I help you?"

The man was dressed nice. He looked normal. Looked no different than anyone else. He nodded and said, "No. I've come to bless you."


The pastor replied, "Please. Take a…


Added by Steven Hill on April 29, 2011 at 10:25pm — No Comments

I've Been High Only Twice In My Life

I've been high only twice in my life. And they both joke. I was with my mom and her friend and I told her friend that I couldn't get sleep. Her fsriend said, "I have some sleeping pills." I took up on her offer. Boy, was I oblivious. After about 15 mins of the pill being in my system, my eye lids were getting heavey. But at the same time I was acting weird. Jumping up and down. I remember laying at the edge of my bed and looking at my dirty coths hamper and the cloths looking…


Added by Steven Hill on April 22, 2011 at 10:48pm — 1 Comment

Preaching To a High School

Recently I was asked by the president of CIA(Christians In Action) at a high school here in North Carolina to preach to the club. She came to my church and heard me preach and she told the club that I would be speaking at this huge event at her school.


She told me that they are expecting a lot of students, so the nerves are beginning to kick in. The event is titled "Rock at the Pole". Jesus is the rock and we will be gathered around the flagpole. If the weather is bad we will…


Added by Steven Hill on April 18, 2011 at 11:37pm — No Comments

The Secret to Winning Souls

Be bold.

Added by Steven Hill on April 1, 2011 at 12:56pm — No Comments

So Long World...

I'm going to make this perfectly clear and be bold: I do not believe in 'once saved, always saved'. I believe that we, as humans, must strive to be perfect for God to make it to heaven. Anyways, I'm going to talk about 'So Long World..."


The Word tells us "Be not conformed of this world..." That is a commandment, not a suggestion. My family, right now, is in the living room enjoying a movie. I believe in not watching television, that is my personal conviction. The Word also…


Added by Steven Hill on March 27, 2011 at 7:54pm — No Comments

Only One God, Jesus is His Name

"Hear O Isreal: the Lord Thy God is one Lord"


Praise God! We only serve One God and His name is Jesus! God took on the human flesh to reveal Himself to our eyes! I'm so glad I serve One God who is able to do anything and go anywhere and is not limited to anything! My God is One!


Is it just me or is this just awesome???

Added by Steven Hill on March 26, 2011 at 3:32pm — 1 Comment

Dear Satan...

The bible, many times, speaks about this world; or in other words, sin. It's a disgusting word. Say it...sin.


It makes me cringe sometimes.


Sin is described as "transgression against divine lay. A willing act." It is even defined in such a way that it makes me feel horrible for committing such a law.


Well, I'm sick of this world. I've gotten to the point to where I hate it. Not really the people in it, just the sin that keeps tempting me and…


Added by Steven Hill on March 16, 2011 at 11:44pm — No Comments

Fast-A Three Day Journey

I strongly believe that if God has called one person to preach the Word, but yet that person says no or keeps putting it off, God will send someone else in that position. For example: one time at church I felt like I needed to pray for someone with hands on their backs, but I didn't. The push of God was so strong that I began to cry, but I was too scared. God kept saying, "Go do it. Don't be afraid." But I ignored Him. I turned around and saw that someone else was praying for this person.…


Added by Steven Hill on March 10, 2011 at 8:16pm — 2 Comments

Church is Better

One night I went to a youth service which was held in High Point, North Carolina. I love that church, the Spirit of the Lord is obviously in that place and I just feel it so strong. That very night there was a guest preacher who was preaching a message about not giving up on God or stop going to church(aka, backsliders). He said something that I use quite often in witnessing. "It's better to be in church on the church's worst day, than to be in the world on the world's best day." I love…


Added by Steven Hill on February 13, 2011 at 9:42pm — 1 Comment

The Call of God...

For many of us, the day we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior and was filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, we then emarked on a journey that no 'adventure movie' or thrilling 'James Patterson' book could possibly relate to. You have no begun a life with God, the One who Created the universe, who numbers the stars and puts them in place, who built the mountains, who caresses the clouds with His soft touch. You are on an adventure with Him. And suddenly, you…


Added by Steven Hill on February 7, 2011 at 7:19pm — No Comments


A person can be raised in church their entire life and have no clue who God is.


You see, there is a difference between 'believing God' and 'knowing God'. There is? mean to tell me I can believe in God and have no clue what His personality is like, or His characteristics? Yep. That's exactly what I'm telling you. You see, God seeks the ones who are broken hearted. He draws close to those who have no hope, who have no future but only a past. He comes to those whose…


Added by Steven Hill on January 23, 2011 at 10:39pm — 3 Comments

My Two Testimonies Of Miracles


Ok. I have two testimonies that has happened to me within the past two days. God has been showing Himself more to me in ways that I couldn't imagine. For the past week, I have been praying and praying and praying and studying the Word. The prayers really paid off. What you're about to read is true, and I am the personal witness of these events; God was performing these miracles, so of course He was there.


The First…


Added by Steven Hill on January 16, 2011 at 4:51pm — No Comments

My Testimony

My whole life I have been raised in church. Mom didn't go to church, so she made my brother and sister and I ride the church bus every Sunday; I hated it. I hated driving for two hours just to go sit in a service for one whole hour. That one whole hour was the worst hour that I had to face once a week. I use to curse God and say, "If this is worship, then You are boring."


The church I had been attending was called "Gospel Light Baptist Church." They had a very nice church…


Added by Steven Hill on January 16, 2011 at 3:27am — 1 Comment

The Prayer Experience

As we turn our wet strained faces to the heavens, we call on God in a way that we haven't experienced in a long time. In this prayer, we tell God our troubles, tell Him everything that's going wrong. We ask Him "Why don't You just fix this?" or "I'm trying God, please hear me!"


We ask for God in prayer, and when we get off our knees we quickly walk away as if there was never a conversation with God. We go on in life, thinking about our problems.


One day a…


Added by Steven Hill on January 14, 2011 at 12:35pm — 1 Comment

I love you, My child.

This is a letter that I feel that God has to say to someone. Please note that what you are seeing on the screen are coming out of my fingers, but out of the loving kindness of the Lord's heart. May this letter of love bless you in ways of encouragement and provide you comfort.



Dear Child,


What's wrong? Why are you so hurt? Why do you run from Me? Don't you realize that I am the Only One who can take your pain away? Don't you know that the things of…


Added by Steven Hill on January 13, 2011 at 10:28pm — No Comments

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