I honestly can't deal with people! The last few months I fooled myself into believing that somehow God was allowing that I be afflicted with certain symptoms that were affecting my health for a bigger purpose. I somehow felt that He was calling me to take a journey on His path. Months have passed and all I've gotten is angrier, more bitter, and downright rude!
Dealing with the public is not my strong suit whatsoever. I can come across very curt, blunt, and insensitive. People tell…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on November 15, 2011 at 2:29pm — 3 Comments
I have always been a person of little faith if none at all! For as long as I can remember I've always jumped to the most negative of conclusions when it came to certain areas of my life. Not to say that at times I was wrong because I wasn't but at times I would be. I realize that many life experiences can mold you into the present being that you live in.
I have a big brother who has pretty much gone through some of the same hardships as I have growing up; being made fun of our looks,…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on October 17, 2011 at 10:49am — 1 Comment
It has been the most difficult two weeks of my life at work as well as my health. I suffer from these chronic dizzy spells which happen most of the time and every single day accompanied with migraines. On top of that my job is extremely high stress and there is an environment of hypocrisy now that is only making my illness worse! It has gotten to the point where I may take a short leave of absence and try to rest but at the same time find new work elsewhere. If I don't my job will surely…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on October 7, 2011 at 8:18am — No Comments
Okay, I just said that I hate my job! I feel terrible about this! But my job is a very high stress place and brings out the worse in me! As I've grown older I have become practically allergic to dealing with the public! I really can't stand dealing with people but yet I can be very outgoing from time to time. Most of this comes from my mistrust in people and past experiences. My work requires me to deal with the public CONSTANTLY! The clients here are extremely dependent on us and are…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on September 27, 2011 at 9:22am — No Comments
Hey God,
I was on the subway this morning thinking about writing this letter to you. I hope you don't think its stupid or asking for too much. Often I've been told by my fellow Christian co worker to ask you questions when it comes to something I want, don't understand or need direction in. In this case I guess it's all three so here goes...
It's been almost five years since my last meaningful relationship. You and I both know I've never been too lucky in the romance department…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on September 27, 2011 at 8:10am — 1 Comment
My church tends to hold baptisms about every other month and I'm thinking of finally getting baptized the next time it comes up. I'm very nervous because Lord knows that I am FAR from being the person I am trying to transition to. However I do attend church, read the Bible (not often maybe one scripture a day for now) and have started to really develop a spiritual bond with the Lord and Jesus Christ. I want to get baptized in order to finally make Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and to leave…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on September 20, 2011 at 11:45am — 2 Comments
So in my journey of familiarizing myself with the Bible as well as hearing sermons at my church I have come to the realization that women seemed to stir up trouble in those days! Now please bear with me as I am not familiar with all verses and books of this one Great Book but I will break it down for you all:
The lady of all ladies...EVE:
So Eve convinced Adam to eat from the forbidden apple after God SPECIFICALLY told them both not to touch that tree or any of…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on September 12, 2011 at 11:00am — 1 Comment
Today has just not been my day. It appears I'm either being tested or the enemy is trying to get me to stay where I have been all this time which is in sin! I have to be very honest that at times today I have felt like giving up and just stay true to what I've always been. Doesn't mean I was happier but it was just easier.
I'd like to share a little secret about myself. I DESPISE (yes I meant to write that in caps) dealing with the public; whether it be at the job, riding the subway…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on September 6, 2011 at 1:37pm — No Comments
I remember my pastor once asking all of us 'do you consider problems to be a good thing or a bad thing?' Most of us, including myself, answered 'it's a bad thing!' After my pastor said 'No, it's a good thing because it's what made you seek Jesus Christ!' I thought about that statement for a few seconds and let it marinate. He was very much telling the truth!
I admit that I have never been the most faithful of Christians. My mom has been a Christian now for over 15 years and yet it is…
ContinueAdded by Diana Santiago on September 1, 2011 at 9:11am — 1 Comment
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