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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Serena Essapour's Blog (5)

Be a better person & accept God/Christ in your life

I don't understand people...I hear so many stories about trials & tribulations...hurdles that people find difficult to saddens me because human beings run away from others who deal with the above mentioned. You need to be a child of God and as a human being, help others in need. God has always accepted us as His children -- regardless of our mistakes, He has always loved us, helped us, and been there for us. We need to look at that as an example and although we cannot be…


Added by Serena Essapour on June 7, 2011 at 2:44pm — No Comments

May God Help Our Teenagers all throughout the World....

More and more I see articles and news broadcasts regarding teenagers, specifically girls that go into prostitution and homelessness. I feel nothing but sadness for these children, including their parents. They deserve a beautiful life. They deserve to see the world, experience their youth, and dream big. It is not my business to figure out what went wrong in their lives, but I think that this…


Added by Serena Essapour on May 4, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Life, Faith, Hope

I love everything that everyone says -- we are all children of God and Christ -- we are the lambs that walk and look for direction. Always know, regardless of what situation any of you are going through, or your friends/family are going through -- know that you're not even're being carried. I know this because for a long time in my life -- I may have been honest and living my life...but I was so blind..I was blind about Christ, and God and the existence of faith. I lacked faith --… Continue

Added by Serena Essapour on April 8, 2010 at 12:31am — No Comments

Serena Essapour - People -- Life -- God

I find it interesting that we live in such a world. We have such knowledge, such technologies, such potential -- and yet we argue, our visions are skewed, and we increasingly start lacking compassion & empathy for one another. I believe that God loves everyone -- we are His children, we are His lambs...regardless of who we are and what we've done, He forgives us as long as we ask for the forgiveness...and as long as we truly accept our faults, and learn. Rather than worrying about God and… Continue

Added by Serena Essapour on August 14, 2009 at 1:30am — No Comments

Serena Essapour -- Life

What is life about? Life is such a beautiful place to be in . . . . Many unfortunately get discouraged about it-- but what they don't know or realize is that life is full of surprises. Life is honestly like a never ending roller coaster ride that spins and takes you on a journey never to be forgotten. Hurdles, challenges, problems arise -- but it's okay because there is no hurdle that is unsurpassable. I believe that all individuals have the potential and capability to do anything their heart… Continue

Added by Serena Essapour on August 14, 2009 at 12:50am — No Comments

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