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CHRISTINE's Blog (23)

Come before Him with thanksgiving, (are we able)

The Lamb of God has made a way for us, He has even set a table for us in the wilderness to come and eat with Him, but at times we may not feel able or even dressed right for this occasion of the beloved. Repentance is still required, even as believers we still have to repent reg, so that we can still enter into fellowship with the Lord, . Be holy even as I am holy is it poss. only He knows only He can make us able to come before Him,  what do you think is needed, or is it that we can do…


Added by CHRISTINE on November 3, 2014 at 4:48am — No Comments

GLORY (Phil. 2 v 8)

Jesus humbled himself became obedient to death on a cross.  Alone before the courts of men, who had wild accusations against Him, the hate the lack of understanding.  He denounced the authorities who had refused to believe His words.  Judgement already was passed on Him, to put to death the one sent to deliver them from the law of death. When Jesus was challenged as to being the Christ He answered "I am" and was accused of blasphemy. Jesus had called those who said these things of Him…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 7, 2014 at 8:30am — No Comments

Thoughts of the day.

Jewish circumcision , is not like comeing to the Lord and becoming born again, when born again one is freed from the old life to live anew in Christ, it is a spiritual operation, He forgave all your sins, throw off the evil nature and change for the better clothe yourself with the new nature the nature of the Lord.

I belong to my lover and He desires me. I trust in Him He is able to keep me safe, nothing can separate me from His love. the Lord takes pleasure in His people, He paid a…


Added by CHRISTINE on April 27, 2014 at 2:24am — No Comments


Was it me who went looking for Him, or was it He that called me,

I know I was distant from God but at the same time did always understand

that somehow God had hold of my hand and lead me, even before I was His own

when I was still one in sin, I have to obmit it was Him who called my name and

not my seeking for Him, cause I didn't know, the story of His only Son the Holy one

who came who gave His life who died for my sin, so that I could live anew and no…


Added by CHRISTINE on April 21, 2014 at 8:49am — 2 Comments


No matter what may happen I will never let go of Your hand, even if your heart loose the will to stand I will never let go of your hand. Even if you do things wrong miss the Joy Ive planned I will never let go of Your hand.  The everlasting Father made His covenment with You, I am with You in everything You do,  never let go of Your hand. 

Added by CHRISTINE on March 5, 2014 at 10:55am — 3 Comments

SHOES (poem)

Oh wait a second there wat did you say,

read the Word watch and pray,

let God in on your plans today,

wat your gonna do let Him know,

your desires where you want to go,

He watches over You guardian of your soul,

its for you to choose you wouldn't go out without yer shoes.

so be wise not the fool let God in on it all. 

Added by CHRISTINE on February 23, 2014 at 6:57am — 1 Comment


Give us the strength to make it more love, and hope when its gone, reach us when we haven't got a clue, and cant carry one when so much is going wrong, break into this world Lord, and when You do Im holding on to God.

Added by CHRISTINE on February 23, 2014 at 5:43am — 4 Comments

Jesus gave Himself.

Added by CHRISTINE on February 11, 2014 at 10:22am — No Comments

GOOD SHEPHERD (part poem part story)

So !  what if, who cares anyway, she closed the door no longer would stay, what was there it keep her, to change her mind, she took off, ran away,.  He saw her go knew what she would do where she was heading to, that shingle beach she longed for, the sea salt in her nose and hair, could not stay looking at the grey dismal sky jus had to go and did not know He watched her go, He knew where she would go what she would do before she got there, she did not think He understood or even cared, but…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 23, 2013 at 8:55am — No Comments


Total commitment to do the will of God , cannot be defeated by Satan, made clean holy by Gods Word, inward cleansing, Eph chap 5  25.27  do yourself a favour love Your wife, Like Christ loves the church holy without blemish.

Praise and worship is wonderfull but the word of God makes one pure holy, true pure worship comes from those who are washed by His Word, each of us need to look at what is hindering our growth and like looking in a mirror, to be a hearer and a doer of the word.…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 16, 2013 at 2:22pm — 3 Comments

FAITH COMES BY HEARING THE WORD OF GOD ! excerpts from Derek Prince.

Proverbs chapter 4   Take Gods word as medicine

Give attention to His word, incline your ear to His sayings,  do not let the word depart from your eyes, keep them in your heart.  vs 23 out of your heart springs forth the issues of life, so guard your heart you cannot have the wrong thing in your heart and live right, through being teachable that is how faith comes,.

Psalm 119 v 11 Your word have I stored in my heart so I may not sin against You,  either sin will keep You from…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 16, 2013 at 1:26pm — No Comments


Its when you look back over the years, you ask does He really count my tears,

does He really know, that this way this path I no longer have the wherewithal

strength to go, unless He go with me, in the end carry me, cause I cant get there on my own.

If this task He has given me to cast my crown at His throne, at times I don't know how Im

gonna get through, if I do make it in the end, it will be Lord only by You,  to step in be  my

victor in the fight, remove…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 9, 2013 at 11:25am — 2 Comments


I am who is and was and is to come, knowing the life and the times of everyone born under the sun,

how they lived what they said even against or for Me, those whos names are written in the Book of Life

their lives I did already see, that they came to Christ My beloved Son, believed from Me he did come, and

trust and believe in what He said of Me, In your life all you go through I foresaw what happened to You and

by My hand alone you pulled through,   thank You…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 9, 2013 at 10:45am — 1 Comment


The son I lost alone, was he wondering, if he would ever be able to return to Me,

from his birth I saw how troubled his life would be, but at the end of the day come home,

tired torn, wondering why he ever left the presence of My Throne.

A new life he wanted. diff to that with Me, living like a slave eating pigs food, in pain misery ,

but he came to his sence and at last did see, that his real life home family is all In Me.

Would I reject him for leaving…


Added by CHRISTINE on June 9, 2013 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

The man Christ Jesus (part 2)

Christ died on the cross, rose from the dead in order to be Lord of the living and the dead,  (Romans 14 v 9).

Father God sais it was His will that Christ should suffer and His death to bring a sacrifice once and for all , forgiveness.

He will gather in those who are His, Gods purpose is that He suceeds. Isiah 53 v 10 / 11.   He will again have joy and know His…


Added by CHRISTINE on May 29, 2013 at 11:11pm — No Comments

The Man Christ Jesus,

Off late Ive been going through some stuff, not only rubbish in doors but also rubbish in da heart, . tis hard to say what it is God has done off late its as if another vale has been lifted and I can see more than ever the whys and wherefores of Jesus our Lord.  In Ezek ch 1 v 26 we have this wonderfull throne with a man sitting on it, not jus any man the Man, who God loved and…


Added by CHRISTINE on May 28, 2013 at 9:44pm — 1 Comment


Looking at evil mounting in the world Lord we turn to You,

look to You for guidance and the true answer we know comes from You.

Appearances we treat with suspicion, but behind it another new season.

Like that of Good Friday and, after Jesus resurrected life in Gathsemane .

that out of the pain and sorrow new life came to be.

To know Father You have it all in control theres a purpose for everything

that's alright with me, Father to the end of Your…


Added by CHRISTINE on May 15, 2013 at 1:49am — No Comments


beautifull Lord wonderfull Saviour all my days are in Your hand, in Your perfect plan,

You call me guide me by Your Holy Spirit, teach me to live my life through Your eyes,

set me apart draw me to Yourself lead me Lord I pray.

melt me mould me use me fill me I give my life to the Potters hand.

lead me walk beside me I give my life into the Potters hand.

Added by CHRISTINE on May 8, 2013 at 8:33am — No Comments


What if truth is gone, that no person speaks it anymore,

misdirecting those who are seeking, instead of rich making poor,

Instead of being open and welcome its closed like a fortress,

shut cut off to those outside crying in distress.

As for Me this is My promise to them, My Holy Spirit will never leave them,

they that want the good and hate the wrong, take no rest all You who pray,

what if the doors of My House were flung open this…


Added by CHRISTINE on April 26, 2013 at 3:08am — No Comments


Somut amiss attempting to sleep wake up yearning, somut amiss your hear His voice and your head turning,

to see if He is there, does He for you still care, remember the prodical son, the father waiting for Him to run

back home, no your not alone, You think you are for the enemy would say by not takeing heed to His voice

you fell away, no tis not so, close to You watching over You night and day, never leave You nor forsake You,

waiting for your prayer in which to…


Added by CHRISTINE on April 19, 2013 at 2:52am — No Comments

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