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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ashley Nicole's Blog (13)

life lessons...

people have often taken my lack of tolerance of other peoples inconsistancies as a weakness. as if im sooo affraid of regection that i cant stand to recieve it in any way not that to be honest i hold olthers to a different level them myself. because you know your self you know what your capable of and what is possible there is no way to know that about another person which tells me that. the only problem is sometimes you push away people to soon or unnecessiarily. I feel as though ive put… Continue

Added by Ashley Nicole on May 13, 2011 at 12:00am — No Comments


As we all know I was saved on November 8th of 2010. Praise the lord but now we are having a problem. I will be 21 on June 19th and the urge to go back to old ways spend time with old friends and go back the girl I used to be instead of continuing work on the woman I am now is pulling harder than ever. My actual birthday is on a Sunday which at first I saw as a sign that I needed to get baptized and saved completely But now after putting some more thought into it the only reason 21 is…


Added by Ashley Nicole on March 30, 2011 at 7:52am — 6 Comments

Help, forgiveness and growth

At a time when it has never been more clear that im meant to do something that helps other people all i can seem to do is be selfish and try to help myself and make things worse. Giving in to things that I not only haven't done in years but things I fear will hurt others in the long run. Being a negative influence is one of the worst things you can do. I feel almost as if there is  special place for people like me who should be sent away. If you cant control yourself and your actions being… Continue

Added by Ashley Nicole on February 12, 2011 at 5:03am — 3 Comments

Curved & close

When I was a child my father would tell me stay curved and close, while he was talking about my piano lessons it still applies to everyday life. Especially when it comes to the lord. Stay curved and close to his teachings and his order. In these times when the world is going through so much there are so many people looking to take advantage or lead you in the wrong direction away from the lord. This is the time to buckle down and stay curved and close. Because of a fight I had with my mom I…


Added by Ashley Nicole on January 24, 2011 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment

New year... old ways?

As this new year draws closer and closer im reminded of where I was at this time last year. Pulling all nighters at house parties with people I thought were my friends to now looking for a church that might be having midnight mass. I think of the relationship so to speak of this last year and how much it's taught me and shown me within myself. How my standards have and continue to change not just for the people around me but for myself. How important my goals are to me and how urgent they… Continue

Added by Ashley Nicole on December 26, 2010 at 11:44pm — 1 Comment

taking the ride...

As im sorrounded by people talking of weddings and anniverserys i look to my own life and see just myself. This is a new life to me having been in serious relationships for the better part of the last 4 years. But there comes a time with maturity when you realise that everything if anything in the world is up to you. You realise that in order to find this "the one" that everyone is searching for you must be the one youself for that other person. You must be secure in yourself as a person the… Continue

Added by Ashley Nicole on December 3, 2010 at 11:04pm — No Comments

god is good... all the time.

on a day when everything could have been so different I am blessed to say I stand strong and determined to make my dreams come true. My 21st birthday is on a sunday. that means something to me. That means on the day the rest of the world is our getting drunk celebrating being so called legal I want to spend it dedicating my life to lord apoligizing for my sins and moving on from my past. This is a day That the lord deserves. My way of saying thank you for not giving up on me. while i continue… Continue

Added by Ashley Nicole on November 28, 2010 at 1:45pm — No Comments

this day

Today i lost my car but the lord spared my life. My family has been amazingly supportive and has even supprised me. I am so blessed on this day and two weeks after becoming a christian I am so glad to say I am

Added by Ashley Nicole on November 22, 2010 at 8:25pm — 1 Comment


A friend told me that once u accept christ into your life you face tests. i dont feel like today was a test of my faith but a test of myself and my skills as an individual. after driving my first car for close to 45000 in 3 years I had the be all end all accident today and it was totaled out by an F-150. Im ok but my heart is crushed. I feel like ive lost everything well the key 2 everything. Im unable to drive to work or school although the furthest thing from my brain is driving. Im not…


Added by Ashley Nicole on November 22, 2010 at 9:19am — 2 Comments

keeping friends

dose anyone else have trouble staying friends with people who dont live the christian life? I have friend that are living the worldly life and im really getting tired of it... what should I do?

Added by Ashley Nicole on November 16, 2010 at 6:31pm — 1 Comment

week one

i feel like in this week ive never felt so good but its been so hard turning away old ways of thinking and acting I hope to do twice as good next week and keep getting better after that.

Added by Ashley Nicole on November 15, 2010 at 11:09pm — No Comments


so it has been a few days now and i still feel awesome! its like i joke differently and even things others talk about around me im not imbarressed or scared to say i dont agree or its not ok. My friends know about the change im making and this choice to not live with out the lord as the main part of my life. They have been very supportive and i feel even more blessed for it. I feel calm yet excited I also met a new cousin today and she was so ... awesome she was kind sweet… Continue

Added by Ashley Nicole on November 10, 2010 at 10:19pm — 1 Comment

First day

so to who ever reads this you should know that im the worst speller in the world but that im working on it and i also realised today that i cant live without the lord being apart of everything i do anymore. So i feel and believe i because a christian today : ) and i love it. i feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Im very scared to mess up but im trying and either way i cant do this alone and im so glad to say loud and proud I love the lord and i know he loves me!

Added by Ashley Nicole on November 9, 2010 at 12:07am — 4 Comments

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