May God bless all you mothers out there.
Here are some thoughts I just want to share with you =
Mothers Know
When we first come into the world,
With fingers and toes unfurled,
We need loving care from a pro,
No problem - Mothers know.
Then there's burping, and colic too,
Teething, and maybe a touch of flu,
Learning to walk might be slow,
Whatever it…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on May 10, 2014 at 8:44am — No Comments
This is a short story the Lord gave me a couple years ago to help some folks with issues of forgiveness they were carrying on their walk. There are hidden hurts of the heart that we all have to deal with.
The Hope Chest
Suzie Q. was a beautiful, bright young woman who decided to answer the invitation and receive Jesus Christ at a regular…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on January 3, 2014 at 8:47am — 3 Comments
You are traveling down the road of life,
Trying to miss potholes of strife.
Then an exit, tempting one..... to Wowtown,
Advertising - Come on In and You Git Down.
This town is widely known
For its sinful ways, always goin'.
You think, "What the hey,
I'm not really gonna stay".
Then you see a small sign by a strait gate,
Probably something for Wowtown to hate.
A simple notice, far from…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on November 22, 2013 at 1:58pm — No Comments
Remember the Philistines?.......Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gerar?
The Gaza Strip of today is one and same as where the old Philistines used to hang out and do battle with King Saul, King David, and Israel regularly.
That's where Goliath hailed from.
The Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant (A major event) from Israel........course they paid…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on November 29, 2012 at 8:55pm — No Comments
If your residence has trees around the premises... each morning as you awaken, you probably hear the sound of cheerful chirping of birds. It's almost like our little feathered friends are saying, "Oh God! It's morning!! (Yay)......"
Not like many people.... who say, "Ohhh, God(moan)'s mornnning(groan)...."
Some folks might say, "Well, the birds don't have the problems I have...... so why shouldn't they be happy"?
But most of us don't have to go out…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on March 4, 2012 at 7:38pm — 3 Comments
Some thought it was a terrorist attack. A few folks thought maybe there was a problem with the sub-way. Some were probably blaming it on global warning.
But, how many people experiencing the recent reletively minor earthquake on our east coast, including WASHINGTON, D.C.,
attributed this situation to a wake-up call from Amighty God.
This country has been turning its back on God for some time now. Time and space does not allow me to list all the evidence right…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on August 24, 2011 at 8:53am — 1 Comment
Ever since our ancesters, Adam & Eve were curious about "that forbidden tree", and King Saul went to the witch at Endor to see what's up (Samuel), people have been consulting fortune tellers, psychics,the zodiac, and whatever, to try and get a peek at the future.
I've talked to Christians who don't leave the house in the morning until they check their horoscopes to see what the day is going to bring. And usually the statement is offered - "I just want to prove it…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on July 21, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments
If you were to measure the width of your face, including ears, it would probably be within 12 inches.
Okay, now measure vertically from the top of your head, including hair, if any, to the bottom of your chinney chin chin. About 12 - 15 inches, right?
Alright, in this 12 X 15 inch frame is basically our recognizable self. We take pictures for identification, driving, our sweeties, etc. and means of recognizing each other is found in this "frame of…
ContinueAdded by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on June 19, 2011 at 9:44pm — 5 Comments
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