All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Kevin Margison's Blog (4)

Can Man live without God? by Ravi Zacharias

This book is based on a set of lectures given in a college setting somewhere. It keeps your mind thouroughly glewed to the pages as it is a book serious in nature. Dr. Ravi Delves into the title of the book. Basically he lets his gift of discernment loose and does a marvelous job of surveying the decline of civilization in the recent past. This though is a sort of back drop that indirectly comes through as he essentially takes three facts and there exact opposite and then he bases the Book…


Added by Kevin Margison on April 1, 2012 at 3:10pm — No Comments

The Healthcare issue

Healthcare how important is it pro choice says not very! Wait a minute they don’t say that, you may respond. O.k. Those words may not be used but have you ever heard that saying “actions speak louder than words!”

Now it took me a minute to reach this conclusion because it appears in the media that there are two separate issues being discussed and debated in the government. That of Health Care and then that of Abortion. This is not the case though, it is one issue or in this case… Continue

Added by Kevin Margison on November 30, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments


As I have recently been studying Genesis lately I can't help but look at it like an artist. Read through the creation account and you see, atleast I do in my mind an artist at his canvis. Let there be light etc. With each creative act is as though God takes his brush and adds the detail to it. It follows with and saw that it was good and this affirms my vision. As an artist sees in his mind what he wants it isn't until he has put it on the canvas that he knows how it has turned out. I do not… Continue

Added by Kevin Margison on November 8, 2009 at 6:58pm — No Comments

Living an Apologetic Life

As I have recently been into apologetics and learning how to more effectively give a defense of my faith i have learned much. In listening to a debate the other day on the evidence for existence of god A christian asked a question during the Q and A time in which he stated it isn't about evidence but faith just faith. It is this attitude that is the reason for much of the way the world views us. We have the best most reliable evidence and compared to the next best scenario offered there is not… Continue

Added by Kevin Margison on October 13, 2009 at 11:09am — No Comments

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