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Debra Carol Wooten's Blog (9)

A Little Prayer goes a long way,,,,,

Micheal & Dana Johnson is a loving couple residing in the state of Va. USA
They lost their eldest son. Grieving has took on a whole new meaning with
these parents. It is their belief that his spirit is roaming their home, to the
point of moving items. They are very angry toward God, and so tormented.
Please, Please remember this family in prayer. They are desperate for a
touch from God.
Thank you, and May God Bless you each

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on March 9, 2010 at 6:49am — No Comments

Trapped from the outside world

Greetings to all that takes the time to read this post. May God bless you in accordance

to your needs in abundance. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

We have a sister that is in desperate need for a word from the outside world. Oma's

husband has full blown Alzheimer. She is his only caregiver. Not being able to go out as she

once did is taking a toll on her mentally and spiritually. With no access to computers, etc. I

am begging you to write down her…

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on February 24, 2010 at 6:13am — 1 Comment

A time for giving,,,,,

Easter Sunday is a designated day at our home church to lift a special offering to pay on the principle of the mortgage on our church and property. I want so desperately to give to this special offering. At the present time I am, as many of us are, strapped for cash. However, God promised that we find glory in him he will give us our hearts desire. My hearts desire is each day to walk closer to our Heavenly Father. My second desire is to be able to give a nice amount to this… Continue

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on February 21, 2010 at 12:08pm — 1 Comment

Praise Report! Praise God,

Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us another day, with your blessings. Amen

Several weeks ago I requested prayer for a little Angel name Shayle. She had very little hearing in both ears, and was scheduled for surgery.

Speaking with her mother I learned that God guided the doctors hands and everything went exceptionally well. Her hearing, Praise God, is already returning, and she is expected to have a full recovery. We thank you so much for your prayers. AAG,, is…

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on February 20, 2010 at 6:41am — No Comments

Our sister is having trouble,,,,,,,

Good morning, My Dear brothers & Sisters in Christ,

I come to you at this time, compelling you to seek

Gods face in reference to out beloved sister Oma Rawls

and her husband which is suffering from Alzheimer.

Oma is her husbands caregiver. It is taking a toll

on her physically and mentally. She has began to

break out with hives, which causes itching and severe

pain. Please, Please, take the time to say a prayer for

them and their…

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on February 13, 2010 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

A special man needs a special prayer.

My brother in law has spent the better part of his adult life taking care of others.

Not only does he take care of his elderly mother, his two elderly aunts, but he also reaches out to everyone in his neighborhood.

He has become serious ill. We don't know the true extent of his illness, but he is

progressively getting worse.

I can't imagine the great loss that this community and his family will suffer if God

does not intercede. We know that God has a special…

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on February 10, 2010 at 8:05pm — 2 Comments

Desperate need of prayer.....

Little Shaylah is in need of surgery in both ears.
She has 50% hearing loss in right ear, and 20%
in the left ear.
This little girls has a smile that would warm ice.
And a heart of Gold.
Please join us in prayer for a complete recovery.
God Bless You, and thanks in advance.

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on January 22, 2010 at 7:46pm — 12 Comments

Oooops! I see it now Lord.....

Giving God the praise and glory I finally get the concept of what determines how long we stay in a problem

all depends on how we handle it. The amount of time we stay in the valley is determined by two things. We can either give God the praise and trust in his word or we can choice to cry and grumble. Clearly the second choice is really not a choice at all.

For years I have Prayed God deliver me out of this bad marriage, I trust in you Lord, I know you want all good things for this… Continue

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on January 14, 2010 at 4:02am — No Comments

Prayer request Please.....

My 5 year old Princess knows that all can can conquered through prayer.
She was diagnosed with the Swine Flu. She also has Asthma. She is doing
exceptional well considering all the horror stories that I have heard in regards
to this virus. Please say a prayer for her.
Princess's Mom

Added by Debra Carol Wooten on October 22, 2009 at 5:03pm — No Comments

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