All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Christine's Blog (2,586)

Simon lightens Jesus' burden

Simon lightens Jesus' burden.

We follow Jesus on the road to the crucifixion . . . And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country and laid on him the cross to carry it behind Jesus. A virtual “nobody” lightens Jesus’ burden. And there followed him a great multitude of the people and of women who were mourning and lamenting for him. Luke 23.26 and following. . .

Truth is, I was trying to devise…


Added by Christine on April 1, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

The Crowd Shouts, Crucify him!

The Crowd Shouts, Crucify him!

The biblical accounts from Luke 23 and Matthew 27:

When Herod saw Jesus, he was greatly pleased, because for a long time he had wanted to see him; in fact, he was hoping to see him perform some sort of miracle. He plied him with many questions, but Jesus gave no answer. The chief priests and the teachers of the law were standing there, vehemently accusing him. Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him.…


Added by Christine on March 31, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

On Trial

On Trial. (drawn mostly from Luke 22 and 23)

It seems impossible, definitely so unfair, but Jesus was on trial for his life. 'We don't need any more witnesses; we heard all we need to hear,' Caiaphas said, sending Jesus to Pilate, governor of Judah. They bound him, led him away and handed him over to the governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness, the Jews did not enter the palace; they wanted to be able to eat the…


Added by Christine on March 30, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

You are Right saying I AM

You are Right saying I AM [the Son of God] Easter, 2015

Jesus finished his agonizing prayer in the Garden, and returned to his men, just in time for his friend, Judas, to step forward and kiss him, betraying his Lord, our Lord, and ensuring those who had come to arrest him, that he was indeed ‘The Man’.

The story continues—

“The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking him and beating him. They blindfolded him and demanded, "Prophesy! Who…


Added by Christine on March 27, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Jesus in Gethsemane

Jesus in Gethsemane. Easter, 2015

Misunderstood by the men he loves the most, Jesus finishes the Passover dinner with them, and then departs the Upper Room, and begins the quiet march toward his arrest. Tonight, Jesus returns once more to the Mount of Olives, and stops in the garden that we hold so dear, the Garden of Gethsemane. We watch as Jesus prays to his Father, about the agony that is soon to come upon him - Luke 22.39-46.

Think for a…


Added by Christine on March 26, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Isn't it ironic?

Isn't it ironic?– Easter 2015

Isn't it ironic. . . An old man turned ninety-eight He won the lottery and died the next day It's a black fly in your Chardonnay It's a death row pardon two minutes too late And isn't it ironic? It's like rain on your wedding day It's a free ride when you've already paid It's the good advice that you just didn't take1

Read Luke 22.

Who would've thought, reading the story about Jesus’ last days that this tune…


Added by Christine on March 25, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

What happened that night before … Easter?

What happened that night before … Easter?   Luke 22.14-23

At sundown of that same Passover day so very long ago, thirteen men met to celebrate with dinner in a great gray hall, in an upper room in a house on Mount Zion, in the northeast corner of Jerusalem. In the tall-roofed chamber, with heavy beams holding up the ceiling, likely the only furnishings were rattan divans and a long oaken table, on which tall candles were burning. Picture with me the…


Added by Christine on March 24, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Preparation for Easter

Preparation for Easter.

We are studying the life of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, having just finished the fifth chapter. - most recent Morning Briefings - But I want to look forward as Spring has dawned and Easter is less than two weeks away now. What precipitated the Passion Week and Resurrection Sunday all those years ago?

It is April, A.D. 331, and…


Added by Christine on March 23, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Be Perfect

Be Perfect. Matthew 5.48


What do you think of when you first see the word ‘perfect’? Excepting God Almighty—that is, not including him-- Do you see a big smile with a row of sparkling white, straight teeth? Or a well-sculpted body with little body fat? Or does your mind go to moral uprightness? The innocence of a newborn child? Something or someone that ideally suits your needs? The grade of 100% on the top of your homework? What does…


Added by Christine on March 20, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Love in Matthew Five

Love in Matthew Five. 5.43-48

Are you loving? Stop and think.

Are you loving? Sometimes. To some people. Maybe not so much to others. Then, are you really loving? Do you pick and choose the times and the people? Maybe we all do.

“Love isn't something natural,” Fromm postulated, unless it is in short spurts. “Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice…”1 except for Jesus; for Jesus,…


Added by Christine on March 18, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

What’s the deal with Jesus and the Law?

What’s the deal with Jesus and the Law? Matthew 5.17 …

Just had a short note in response to one of my recent Morning Briefings—“Thank you for the message, kindly keep on sending.”

EDWARD, From Delhi (INDIA)

I can picture Edward some 8,000 miles away, looking at his computer monitor and reading the words that are inspired by Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, beginning in Matthew Five. The Beatitudes were somewhat captivating, I believe; just the consideration of…


Added by Christine on March 17, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Sitting alone, and Jesus on the Law

Sitting alone, and Jesus on the Law. Matthew 5.17-48


Because I go to church alone, and oft sit alone, I am keenly aware of other people—especially women—who are sitting all by themselves as well. This morning, I walked the long row to sit next to my dear Anitamarie, who sat on the end seat on the aisle. A few minutes into the service, a single lady—that is a woman by herself—excused herself and passed by us, to take a seat near me on the other…


Added by Christine on March 16, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Stars in the Night—this includes life-changing material!

Stars in the Night—this includes life-changing material! Matthew 5.14-16

Have you ever lay on your back and looked up at the night sky, particularly when you are out in the woods and away from the city lights? Wow! What a fantastic display of God’s handiwork! Ah come on all you campers and backpackers—it seems like God is almost showing off, doesn’t it? Love the stars! When you live in a big city with many lights, the stars are not quite so visible. And…


Added by Christine on March 13, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Of Light, Truth and Life

Of Light, Truth and Life. Matthew 5.14

Light goes together with life, have you ever noticed that?

“You are the light of the world…” Another ‘you are’ statement of Jesus, made to those who are alive in him. He did not say, ‘if you do this and that, thus and so, you are the light of the world’; nope, Jesus said, ‘as disciples of mine, ‘You are the light of the world.’ While darkness is the absence of light, it also symbolizes everything that is not…


Added by Christine on March 12, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

The Power of Influence, and Salt

The Power of Influence, and Salt.  Matthew 5.13

Can’t really say why for sure, but my mom and dad were really big on salt …. and pepper! No kidding, they put both on watermelon, cantaloupe, and just about everything else. Now we all know that salt is a flavor enhancer, but when Jesus made his emphatic statement to the disciples that afternoon as part of the Sermon on the Mount, I think he had far more than that in mind - You are the salt of the earth.

First of all, we note that…


Added by Christine on March 10, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

You’re Somebody!

You’re Somebody! Matthew 5.13

“I’m Somebody!”

Are you? If so, how do you know? How would you know?

Watch and smile:…


Added by Christine on March 9, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Three men and a little lady

Three men and a little lady. Purim, 2015.

Happy Purim! Do you know the story? Tis a true one that dates back to the 4th century B.C. Purim is a national holiday in Jerusalem, and the most joyous feast on the Hebrew calendar. Do you know why? I invite you to read the book of Esther. Interesting negotiation tactics. Click to read:…


Added by Christine on March 6, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

For such a time as this … Grace and Peace

For such a time as this … Grace and Peace. Matthew 5.1-12—takeaway

Grace and Peace. There is something about this pairing that shoots straight to my heart. It rings out HOPE to me! Peace is a familiar concept to us, but grace—maybe not so much.

Ah, grace ~ how to define it, how to grasp its beauty and power, how to apprehend it for our lives. The drippings of grace … longing for a scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not…


Added by Christine on March 5, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

So what about this Jesus?

So what about this Jesus?

Jesus was a radical, but not the 60s kind . . . He was unpredictable--except for how He loved . . . He looked like an ordinary man, and yet he was an extraordinary God . . . and as for me, the further we get into Matthew’s gospel, the closer I feel to Him. Not so long ago, I asked the question: What difference does Jesus make to you? Here is what some of you had to say~


Jesus is my big brother.…


Added by Christine on March 4, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

One more look at the Beatitudes

One more look at the Beatitudes. Matthew 5.1-12

Blessed are . . . this is a last look at the Beatitudes.

Well, the fact is, I worked all afternoon to create a graphic of a ladder on the left, with the beatitudes bumped up against it—all resting on a field of Grace: first, Blessed are the poor in spirit, where Jesus started his teaching to his disciples that afternoon so long ago. For when we understand our rightful place before an all-holy, and an all-righteous God, then… Continue

Added by Christine on March 3, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

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