All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Christine's Blog (2,586)

What Matters Most? #two

what matters most?  #two.

We order our days around our priorities ... or do we?                                                    Do you and I make daily decisions based on what we believe means the most to us, or are we too often mostly operating on autopilot, not thinking too much about what we say means the most in our lives?  Dang, but I love to ask myself these kinds of questions! In my last briefing, I postulated that ->What…

Added by Christine on October 18, 2017 at 7:55am — No Comments

What Matters Most? #One

what matters most?

I have discovered that the answer to that is age dependent. Think of your preschool-aged son... what matters most to him?  Getting his needs met-pants changed when they're wet, building the best Lego rocket ship, seeing his mom as soon as she gets within range at school pickup time.  These are the things that matter most.
Same boy a dozen years later wonders if he will make the freshman soccer team at the…

Added by Christine on October 16, 2017 at 6:00am — No Comments

A Fascinating Circuitous Journey

I invite you on a fascinating, circuitous journey.     

"I love to travel, see new places, faces and things.  
     The trouble is, each new place becomes a part of me, 
                  and I find my heart wistful when I must leave 
and travel home again."1
podcast:  …

Added by Christine on October 11, 2017 at 8:59am — No Comments

Duty, Devotion, or Delight?

Duty, Devotion, or Delight?

Duty, Devotion, or Delight . . . What is it for you?  Do you read the Bible out of a sense of duty, or is it devotion, or is it something else?    The other day I was 'texting' with someone who is…

Added by Christine on October 9, 2017 at 8:44am — No Comments

Now what ... in the wake of Las Vegas, Houston, Mexico? Oct. 5, 2017

Now what? the wake of Las Vegas, Houston, Mexico ...

The stories from Vegas first trickled out, and now they are pouring out from everywhere it seems.  People who saw loved ones shot in the face, shot in the stomach, and everywhere ... people running for their lives.  We do not understand why God allows such tragedies, but then, he did give us free will, right?  That free will allows for the choice of evil, and the choice of a…

Added by Christine on October 6, 2017 at 7:13am — No Comments

Where was God ... in Las Vegas?

Where was God ... in Las Vegas?
Read this and share it, Friend.
'Find yourself frightened, unsure, tense or insecure, in the face of a madman gunning down fellow Americans enjoying a concert?  The worst kind of tragedy is evil perpetrated by a human being against fellow human beings-for no reason.  But then there's the devastation in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Houston, and Florida ... and that's just what…

Added by Christine on October 4, 2017 at 9:36am — No Comments

TrUe ConFessIons.

Good Morning!

True confessions: I thought the Bible was boring too.

I read it more out of obligation than desire-meaning, I knew that God wanted me to read my Bible because that's what 'good' Christians do - they read

their Bibles every day, right?

But something changed ... radically, I mean about the obligation thing

That's because in recent days, these comments have been expressed to me:

"No one should have…


Added by Christine on October 2, 2017 at 6:00am — No Comments

God's new name for you.

God's new name for you.

Gideon saw himself as fearful and less than, but God came to him and called him a Mighty Warrior.  God called him out from the cave and into his purpose for him . . . he gave him a new name. 
You may have been called names in grade school, you may have been 'talked down to' all your life ... but not by God.  God sees you as his dear creation, Friend. You are the…

Added by Christine on September 29, 2017 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Want a new name?

God has a NEW NAME for you.

Can we talk real talk?

-did you have a name people called you, a not-so-nice 'nick name'?

-do you have things you call yourself when you mess up?

-do you still hear the voice of your critical dad in your head?

-or perhaps a coach or teacher who derided you?

Whether someone built you up or regularly tore you down, it has impacted how you view yourself. These things-words-lodge themselves in our brains, and they oft mark us.… Continue

Added by Christine on September 27, 2017 at 6:50pm — No Comments

Not harmless . . .

Not harmless, but TOXIC.

Would you be shocked to know that some of your thinking is toxic? Some of us have thoughts that we have let simmer for 30 years, or burn for 25, or boil over for two years. Parts of our brains look like this picture:

These thoughts that we leave unattended, pushed back, and never really addressed--you know, like 'pans' of guilt always simmering, 'pans' of boiling bitterness, maybe painful memories, emotional pain, etc.--they… Continue

Added by Christine on September 25, 2017 at 2:30pm — No Comments

I don't know if you have this

I don't know if you have this ...

but II am smitten by the notion of wisdom.

Why? Well, that takes a little unpacking. Socrates, who lived from 470 B.C. - 399 B.C., was purported to have said 'the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.' I don't buy that actually, unless it is in comparison to the overall scope of what can be known. Regarding wisdom, I find the whole notion of Lady Wisdom interesting . . . her various angles compelling and intriguing.

One… Continue

Added by Christine on September 22, 2017 at 10:18am — 1 Comment

A "Time to Choose"

"A Time to Choose" - Humility.

He grew up simply (a nice word for kinda poor) in Illinois. Among other jobs, he worked as a lifeguard to help support the family, but also participated in high school sports, including as a member of the basketball cheerleading squad. On a needs-based college scholarship, he played (and lettered in) football and ran track (also coached for two years); he acted in 14 plays, and was involved in student government. He was a well-rounded guy! After… Continue

Added by Christine on September 20, 2017 at 8:45am — No Comments

A Mind Stove and Expensive Pictures

A Mind Stove and Expensive Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words, it's been said.1 What makes for its said 'worth'?  'Think it is true?  If so, why?  Enables to visualize.  Recall.  Remember.  A compelling visual or well-chosen picture

calls something forth in us. 


Added by Christine on September 18, 2017 at 7:53am — No Comments

Been accused of this

Faithful. Fanatic.  announcement: please read to the end

Some of us are great starters.  We crash through the gate with gusto, are full of enthusiasm and passion, and then . . . life gets busy.  Like work is extra demanding or something else catches our eye, right?  Or the 'new thing' becomes somewhat routine and we tire of it.  Ugly truth: I am a quitter.  For that reason, I have a small…

Added by Christine on September 4, 2017 at 6:00am — No Comments

Can You Keep it Up? Faithfulness

Can you keep it up?

Can you keep things going? 
Can you stay consistent?
I've heard it all. 
'Can't you just be still?' 
'Do you ever relax?'
'Does your mind ever rest?' 
In the order of the questions, here are my answers-'Sometimes, for a minute,' 'sometimes, but just for a bit,' and 'No, I don't really think so.'  In that vein-I was getting a manicure today, but couldn't…

Added by Christine on August 30, 2017 at 7:03am — 1 Comment


Ineffable.      Holy Spirit: Who or What? #17 final.                                       ~incapable of being expressed in words:  indescribable

Love words, I do.                                                                                                                   Ineffable is a winner - some thing, action or some one you cannot aptly describe in words. …

Added by Christine on August 28, 2017 at 6:00am — No Comments

YOU are a Gift!

YOU are a Gift!  Holy Spirit: Who or What? #16

You are a Gift . . . a masterpiece even! 
            The Creator did some fine work when he knit you together
                                    in your mother's womb1
                                         just as you are...
                                      She too was a…

Added by Christine on August 25, 2017 at 11:00am — No Comments

Since Love Trumps All . . .

Since Love Trumps All, Let's Love!  Holy Spirit: Who or What? #15

This is a call for unity.  Sure, it seems like our culture is splintered, but so are our churches, and worse, our personal relationships... I mean, right?  Over the last couple days, I have been thinking about how people start acting in love and from a place of love toward other human beings; it brought back a few vivid…

Added by Christine on August 24, 2017 at 7:41am — No Comments

Love Trumps.

Love Trumps.  Holy Spirit: Who or What? #14

His baby sister had finally gone to sleep, and I was ardently trying to get Bennett to follow her lead.  Afternoon naps at Mimi's house mean that we all three lay down on the big bed with me usually in the middle; I sing, cajole and hope that both of my little grandchildren will fall asleep.  'Shhh, time to go to sleep now... I mean it,' I said to the four-year-old.  'But…

Added by Christine on August 21, 2017 at 6:00am — No Comments

Dum Vivimus Vivamus.

Dum Vivimus Vivamus.  One more piece on peace.
seems we all need to grab onto peace ... i have heard from so many of you.  thank you.
Most of my family did not know she was gravely ill; that is the way she wanted it.  Once she mentioned it, she was gone in three short weeks.  I attended my cousin's memorial service in Tahoe on Sunday, from her favorite vantage point of North…

Added by Christine on August 18, 2017 at 7:00am — No Comments

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