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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Christine's Blog (2,586)

Give thanks.

It is almost Thanksgiving Day, so I’ve been thinking … we know it is a time to stop and say “thank you”—but, why should we give thanks? Why do we make a special day out of the year, and close more retail shops than any other day of the year, for the purpose of giving thanks? Because a long time ago,…


Added by Christine on November 24, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Step by Step. Romans 4.9-15

God leads his children step by step. See, God does not lead us by sending us a prospectus that outlines each

of his directives, what will happen when we obey him, and then what will be the

results of our cooperation with him. [although that is the over-arching message

of the Bible, is it not??]

For instance, last…


Added by Christine on November 22, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Choose to be thankful.

Good Morning! Have you ever noticed that when we choose to be thankful, it changes us?…


Added by Christine on November 19, 2010 at 9:10am — 2 Comments

Abraham, Friend of God. Romans 4.1-8

What is the big deal about Abraham? Let’s go back…way back, like 4,000 years, and see if we can figure it out - His father had been a moon

worshipper, but rather than follow the moon, Abraham heard the voice of God,

and he listened to it. He was

every bit the renegade that Noah was, but instead of a big boat…


Added by Christine on November 18, 2010 at 1:32pm — No Comments

All of who we are. Romans 3.29-30

Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too?

Yes, of Gentiles too, since there is only one God,…


Added by Christine on November 17, 2010 at 8:16am — No Comments

The Lord our God is One…the only One. Romans 3.29-31

He is God Almighty, comprised of Three Persons, the Trinity.

He reconciles us to himself…


Added by Christine on November 16, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Read and Grow.

There is great value in reading books that inspire, grow, and challenge our faith as well as our thinking. So, I am passing on some of my latest literary conquests:

1) Well, I can’t say enough good about…


Added by Christine on November 15, 2010 at 9:54am — No Comments

Guilty, then justified. Romans 3.19-28

Seventeen years old, driving a new Firebird with just a couple hundred miles on it, the day before high school graduation . . . oh, yeah, I thought I

was one bad chick. ‘Loving the ‘get up and go’ in that

V-8, having a great time with my buddies, just didn’t see that black and

white sitting there. I looked down, saw I was doing 55 mph in a 25 mile an hour zone . . . dang! I…


Added by Christine on November 12, 2010 at 9:13am — No Comments

The Road to Life. Romans 3

Since the Garden, man’s sin has always separated him from God. Though men offered sacrifices to God to atone for their sins, these were incomplete offerings. Our gracious God, however, offered up the perfect sacrifice—the once-for-all sacrifice, Jesus Christ.…


Added by Christine on November 11, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Spiritual Checkup--Part Two. Romans 3.9-18

This is Part two of “Time for a checkup … a spiritual one.”

Some people avoid getting physicals because they know they need to lose weight before they see the doctor, or they need to start that promised

exercise program, or they just plain do not want to hear that…


Added by Christine on November 10, 2010 at 7:36am — No Comments

Time for a check up … a spiritual one. Romans 3.9-18

When was your last physical? Recently, I read that if you are in your 40s, you should get a physical checkup every two years; 50s and older, once a year . . . Many maladies, which

have not exhibited outward manifestations could be successfully treated

if they had just been caught earlier.…


Added by Christine on November 9, 2010 at 10:21am — No Comments

It Isn’t Fair! Romans 3.1-8

It Isn’t Fair! Romans 3.1-8

If interviewed, some of you reading this right now would honestly say, ‘Life isn’t fair.’ Things haven’t gone the way you planned. You have lived uprightly and honestly, and yet you’ve gotten the ‘short end of the stick’ while someone else has walked away scot-free. How…


Added by Christine on November 8, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Tis a higher thing still to be pure of heart

Tis a higher thing still to be pure of heart.

There is a convergence of thoughts this morning as I write—of what it means to be a partner in the new covenant—of what it might mean for us to have our hearts circumcised … to…


Added by Christine on November 4, 2010 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Denver turns around---gets circumcised

When first I met him, he was part of the park wallpaper—you know, he had a regular resting spot—under a big old tree, leaning against the planter. A businessman, (drug dealer), ‘Denver’ was also a respectful guy to a ‘woman of the cloth’. Then I learned in another iteration, he was a deacon at his church, too …. How does that work? Well, I guess that explained his respect for me.…


Added by Christine on November 3, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

PDF - Public Displays of Faith. Romans 2.25-29

In the 70s, we put IXOYE (fish) stickers on our bumpers.

In the 80s, we put WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) stickers on them.

We baptize, share Communion, join a church, and even carry fat Bibles.…


Added by Christine on November 2, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Spiritually Smug. Romans 2.17-24

Spiritually Smug.

Something has been seriously lost in translation. For adulterers and tax…


Added by Christine on November 1, 2010 at 7:39am — No Comments

Here Da Choice. Romans 2.5-16

Here Da Choices…

When my Dylan was three years old, he was already analyzing situations. If he was trying to get his older brother or sister to play with him, he would say, “Here da choices,” holding open his little hands to them, “play trains, legos, or…


Added by Christine on October 29, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Kindness -> Repentance? Romans 2.1-4

Stepping into Romans chapter two, we see two themes emerge –judgment and God’s kindness. On judgment, Paul warns us ‘don’t!’ Because in reality, folks who are given to judging others and their sin, are usually guilty of the same, which makes them…


Added by Christine on October 28, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Why Romans??

Why Romans? Just before we launch into the second chapter of Romans …besides being the book written after 1 and 2 Corinthians, and where we find ourselves in our travels with Paul--why wade through…


Added by Christine on October 27, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Take a breath . . .

Take a breath . . .

Yesterday’s Morning Briefing “Rudderless” was a little heavy, and frankly, we will have a lot of heavy as we dig deeper into Romans . . . but I have been

moved by the heart of some of my friends worldwide. One

friend, Armand, from Cameroon (Africa) asked me today ‘how to stay close

to the Lord’, and I know…


Added by Christine on October 26, 2010 at 6:50am — No Comments

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