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Christine's Blog (2,586)

It is WHO you know that matters. Romans 11

Keeping in view the themes of Romans—such as Romans 5.1-2, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.”  We have access to God through Jesus Christ; and one day, it will be because of that, we will live forever with God.  Consider this:

“Many years ago two of my daughters and I were in Washington, D.C., where I spoke at a church…


Added by Christine on June 15, 2011 at 8:41am — No Comments

The year was A.D. 58—our Lord had ascended into...

The year was A.D. 58—our Lord had ascended into Heaven just 25 years earlier—when Paul wrote this letter from the town of Corinth. He was writing to a strong Roman church, known far and wide for her genuine faith. And yet, throughout this letter, Paul’s heart goes to the Jewish dilemma—why were so many of his kinship not accepting the truths of Jesus Christ? Click on the link at the end of this briefing to read Romans…

Added by Christine on June 14, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

A Calloused People. Romans 11.1-10

The prophets had prepared them for his coming for hundreds of years, and yet most of the Jews of the day missed it.  What was God’s heart toward them?

“Does this mean, then, that God is so fed up with Israel that he’ll have nothing to do with them?  Hardly.  Remember that I, the one writing these things, am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham out of the tribe of Benjamin.  You can’t get much more Semitic than that!  So we’re not talking about repudiation.  God has been too long…


Added by Christine on June 13, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

The Value (or lack thereof) of LIFE.

I have always liked the beach—even the not-so-pretty, not-so-warm beach on the San Francisco Bay—where I grew up.  But thank God, I wasn’t at Crown Memorial Beach in my hometown of Alameda on Memorial Day this year!  The beauty of the beach and beach-going would have been forever ruined.  Each time I think about what happened, I am shocked and saddened all over again.

Gathered on the shore were first responders (at least a dozen), and about 75 other people standing and…


Added by Christine on June 10, 2011 at 8:34am — No Comments

Do our young people believe in TRUE Christianity?

Honestly, I hadn’t been intending to write about worldview . . . I sort of fell backward into it, almost like you would picture my falling backward into a pool, with the displaced water splashing all over, and, into unexpected places. The splash made me realize the importance of the discussion. Add to that, I took Dylan, (my 16-year-old son), out for sushi on Monday night, just ‘to… Continue

Added by Christine on June 9, 2011 at 7:42am — No Comments

Of Worldviews and Little Girls.

Your worldview is your philosophy of life—the way you look at the world.  ‘Could be a Christian worldview which has its inception in God the Creator, or a secular one, which probably does not.  Either way, how you look at life on a daily basis is affected by it.  Whether life seems to be ordered or random, including one’s sense of purpose, is affected by personal worldview.

Some people just ask the hard questions earlier in life, I guess.  She had a head full of blonde curls and big…


Added by Christine on June 8, 2011 at 8:45am — No Comments

“Christian” vs. “Spiritual”

Oprah made the term ‘spiritual’ very popular—think about it.  However, on the last day of her show she seemed to fully claim Christianity.  What does it mean to say that we are a Christian?  Many people call themselves ‘Christian’ but if asked to define what they believe, they would be hard pressed to explain just what a Christian believes.

These are the non-negotiables, and the Scriptural support for them:  Essentials of the Christian Faith

1.  In the beginning, God.…


Added by Christine on June 7, 2011 at 7:16am — No Comments

“So, Christine, is Oprah a Christian?”

I couldn’t duck the question anymore.  Truthfully, there is a part of me that would like to avoid answering the question.  I just know too many women who put great stock in what Oprah has to say . . . I know too many women who plan their afternoons to watch—and even more who record to watch at their leisure—her daily program. 

‘Wondering about a person’s stance on anything?  Listen to what she says, and then take a look at the positions she espouses.   “I am a Christian who believes…


Added by Christine on June 6, 2011 at 7:45am — 1 Comment

Promises, promises . . .

Before I launch deeper into the worldview/Oprah discussion, I felt prompted to send this today.  There is nothing like the truth and power found in the Word of God.  I am confident that there are some of you who need to consider God’s promises to you at this very time . . . Pakistan?  Ghana?  UK?  Singapore?  The Philippines?  Wherever you find yourself, in whatever circumstances – these promises are for you.

Promises are significant and telling.  When someone keeps his promises to…


Added by Christine on June 3, 2011 at 7:53am — No Comments

Oprah and your worldview . . . Romans 10

What is your worldview?  We’ve all got one . . . a worldview.  Simply, it is the way we see the world . . . our philosophy of life.  Whether or not we have articulated it, we live by it every day.  Our worldview is shaped by many things—upbringing, education, what we read and watch, (Oprah), opinions of friends and family, and the culture in which we live.

The question I put before you today is this:

              Is your worldview a godly one?

                     Is it…


Added by Christine on June 2, 2011 at 7:43am — No Comments

Contentment? Really . . . are you sure?

Contentment seems elusive these days. 

I sat across from her at lunch today, as she told me “something is missing from my life”.  To look at her, you certainly wouldn’t think that!  I mean, she is attractive, affluent, of mature age and wisdom, well put together, confident, and has been in a friendship with God for many, many years.  Yet she is unsettled.  After talking for a while, I think we hit on the reason.  Perhaps her struggle might just define yours, so let’s talk.  Yesterday…


Added by Christine on June 1, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

Do You Remember?

This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it!  The psalmist said it, but my heart is right there with him today.  I am sitting on the beach, looking out at the Pacific Ocean, and remembering.  Driving the two miles down the hill from my SoCal house, ‘me and my posse of boys’ noted how many American flags were displayed.  Today is that day that Americans have designated Memorial Day – a day to remember those who have sacrificially served our country.

I wish to…


Added by Christine on May 31, 2011 at 6:57am — No Comments

He said my Feet were Beautiful…yours? Romans 10.13-15

Truthfully, over the years, I never gave my feet too much thought—that is, unless they hurt!  For instance, about 20 years ago, I sold shoes at Nordstrom in downtown San Francisco for a while.  Oh, my goodness, MY feet never hurt so badly in all my life!  And dealing with women in the shoe department?  Please . . . don’t get me started!

Then there was the time when I was at a party in Northern California and a long-time friend of my older brother stopped, made a point of looking down…


Added by Christine on May 27, 2011 at 8:06am — No Comments

Is Christianity Exclusive or Inclusive? Romans 10.9-13

Good Day~

“You Christians are all alike,” he derisively flung at me . . . “You are so narrow-minded, so arrogant--saying Jesus is the only way to God!”

Honestly, I hadn’t expected to be sparring with a skeptic that night; no, a different purpose had brought me face-to-face with this caustic fellow.  It was several years ago, and I had been asked to contact a local shopkeeper and young mother, who had just been diagnosed with stage-four breast cancer.  “Please Christine, can’t…


Added by Christine on May 26, 2011 at 7:46am — 1 Comment

Have you been SAVED? Romans 10.1-10

Good Day!

Growing up in the Baptist church, I heard folks say things like, “I was saved when I was 12 years old,” or “Where did you get saved?” or “I am praying that he will be saved.”  In every case, they were talking about when (or if) someone came to faith in Jesus Christ.  But somewhere along the line, the word “saved” has gotten a bad rap.  Is it because people associate it with loud, finger-pointing televangelists?  Perhaps.  Is it because people think of ‘getting saved’ with…


Added by Christine on May 25, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

Tis a Difficult Thing … who can abide it? Romans 9.6-33

Romans 9 started with Paul saying he would do whatever it took—if only his Jewish brethren would come to saving faith in Jesus. From there, there is just no natural break in his explanation to the Roman church about God’s sovereign will. In truth, we should read Romans 9 through 11 in one block, but we will just look at the remainder of this chapter. It is long, but necessary to grasp Paul's meaning. I have underlined some key phrases for our consideration:

So, even though God had… Continue

Added by Christine on May 24, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

A Prayer for Giving of Ourselves ... a prayer for giving others Christ.

A Prayer for Giving of Ourselves … a prayer for giving others Christ.  Romans 9

Our greatest fulfillment lies in giving ourselves to others.1 

In fact, Paul said, ‘Tis more blessed to give than to receive.’2   

Hmm . . . I think I feel like praying . . .

Dear Lord,

We read that Paul was so deeply burdened for the souls of his brothers that he would give up the one thing that meant more than anything to him—your love!—if that would mean the Jews would come…


Added by Christine on May 23, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

Do You See What I See?

“Do you See What I See?”    Romans 9.1-5

Christmas, 1969—school Christmas pageant.  I was sure that when Darlene Goss sang ‘Do You Hear What I Hear?’ there was no more beautiful girl alive.  Now, I was in 5th grade and she was in 6th, but I thought she was magnificent, and her song alluring.  Of little lambs and dancing stars and shepherd boys… all asking, “Do you Hear What I Hear?  ‘See what I see?”  Then the shepherd boy asks the king, “Do you know what I…


Added by Christine on May 19, 2011 at 7:03am — 1 Comment

A Look at Paul's Underbelly. Romans 9.1-5

Good Morning! 

Just the other day, we saw how plainly, how passionately Paul articulated the value of God’s love in his life . . . and that, no thing and no one would ever separate him (or us) from the unconditional, all-consuming love of God.  Reading further, I have to ask myself if Paul was schizophrenic; he now says he would be willing to forego his relationship with God  . . . IF it would mean that the Jewish people would come to saving faith in Christ. Let go of…


Added by Christine on May 18, 2011 at 7:44am — No Comments

Two People. Romans 8 - 9

Two people. podcast:

There is an old guy . . . there is a young guy.

Both are Christians . . . both are controversial.

One has violated a Scriptural truth, and maybe the other has too.

Let’s start with the old guy.  He has predicted that Jesus Christ is coming back next Saturday, May 21st to judge all of humankind and to gather up the faithful.(1)  That, Friends, is contrary to what Jesus said about his second coming.  "No one knows about that day or hour,…


Added by Christine on May 17, 2011 at 7:44am — No Comments

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