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Brandon soileau's Blog – December 2012 Archive (2)

I'm not exactly sure what just happened...

A litle bit earlier, I was hit with this almost uncontrollable urge to commit a common sin to me. This particular sin is one that has plagued me more so than any other sin in my life, and has been with me a large-portion of my life. As I got into the shower, I prayed to God, in repetition, rebuking the spirits in Jesus name, to leave my mind. After several-minutes of asking God to relieve me of this urge and cast-out the unclean spirit within me, I attempted to pray in tongues, but with…


Added by brandon soileau on December 31, 2012 at 11:45pm — 1 Comment

I need the prayers of many...

Jesus says that where two or three are gathered in my name, there shall I be also. From that passage in the Bible, I take it as the more people that pray together for something in God's will, the Lord will surely be there. I am still struggling in my christian walk; it seems the closer I get to God, the more I start to screw up again, and fall back into my sins, and deliberately at that. I have gone through my life with a fine-toothed comb, and removed many things in my life which would…


Added by brandon soileau on December 15, 2012 at 4:23pm — 5 Comments

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