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Feet breath's Blog – October 2012 Archive (8)

Pain and hurt and tears. Is Jesus mad at me?

Is there every any time your heart breaks? That you have tears coming from your eyes?


I want to see Jesus. I can't wait until the rapture and I finally get to be in His arms. It seems like the only time I'll ever find peace is once I see Jesus.


Do you think Jesus will let me scrub the streets of gold? That way people don't have to see my face too much and I can serve.


I apolojize to everyone. I'm the black sheep in His flock. I apolijize for…


Added by feet breath on October 29, 2012 at 5:12pm — 9 Comments

Life is like pillows

Ok, I got a Spongebob pillow today from Kmart.


I liked it so I got it. I got home and seen the pillow I was going to replace.



If you seen the sides of the pillow you'd know it was torn and really messed up.…


Added by feet breath on October 27, 2012 at 2:52pm — No Comments

bullying,suicide. It's such a serious matter.

I've been thinking about things. It's actually difficult to comprehend. You hear stories about teen suicide. It's quite tragic that it's becoming so much more common and that it's become part our society.


Teen (and tragicly some under the age of 13) bullying lead to suicide. Bullycide.


How is it possible that we as a society have gotton to this point? This isn't like some kind of disease like lung cancer. People are literally taking their lives because they…


Added by feet breath on October 22, 2012 at 2:59pm — 14 Comments

I did make an attempt...

As I've been thinking about things that have happened with the bullying and stuff...I remembered something.


I was in a very dangeous state of mind. I was suicidal but I kept my feelings to myself for the most part. I liked talking to people online because I figured they live far away,they can't tell on me.


So, I kept alot of the pain inside. I didn't like razors so I didn't cut. But, I did scratch myself. What was dangerous about that was people wouldn't see…


Added by feet breath on October 16, 2012 at 1:56pm — No Comments

I still need time to heal...

I'm realizing things that have caused me so much pain. The bullies,cats getting posioned. In 8th grade Geffoery could have been one of those people who takes young girls online. There was a red flag...I didn't want to say what state I lived in. He said since I didn't want to say,we must not really be friends. I wanted to leave the Pokemon forum (which I quit a long time ago). He threatened to hang himself if I left...

This Nov. will be 6 years since the "incident" with Josh."You're so…


Added by feet breath on October 8, 2012 at 6:19pm — 1 Comment

Great news-baptism. I need to confess...

I've got great news! My parents said they'll come to my baptism.


I need to confess know how it's been hard to pretty much talk about "deep issues" since 8th grade with my parents,right? Well, it may be good if I finally tell someone this.


I didn't like the idea of razors so I didn't exactly starting "cutting". But, I used my finger nails to inflict pain by scratching myself. I guess my nails were the substitute of a…


Added by feet breath on October 7, 2012 at 7:35am — No Comments


I tried to ask mom today(by the grace of God I was able to explain it a little better than before) if she wanted to come to my baptism. She said she isn't much of a church goer.


She said I was already baptised (I was in 08). I tried to explain that this time was different for Jesus saved me in 2010 (I wasn't saved in 08). She said I was "saved" than (in 08).


She wanted to know how many times I'm going to get baptised...:sighs: I was having a really hard time…


Added by feet breath on October 5, 2012 at 11:18pm — 7 Comments

Savage Slurp...R.I.P

He (or she,not sure) died today. I flushed the poor thing down the toliet;I also said Pslam 27:1.


It helps me to appricate (or atleast understand a little better) things more. Life...death. Pain...and not suffering.


I'm listening to I'm…


Added by feet breath on October 3, 2012 at 2:45pm — No Comments

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